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Euralex 2010 Proceedings

Euralex 2010 Proceedings


000_Euralex_2010_01_Plenary_OGILVIE_Lexicography and Endangered Languages_What Can Europe Learn from the Rest of the Wor.pdf

000_Euralex_2010_02_Plenary_LIBERMAN_The Genre of the Etymological Dictionary.pdf

000_Euralex_2010_03_Plenary_POPKEMA_State of the Art of the Lexicography of European Lesser Used or Non-State Languages.pdf

000_Euralex_2010_04_Plenary_BOGAARDS_Dictionaries and Second Language Acquisition.pdf

000_Euralex_2010_05_Plenary_ADAMSKA_Telling it straight_A comparison of selected English and Polish idioms from the sema.pdf

001_Euralex_2010_1_ASHBY FERREIRA_Reuse of Lexicographic Data for a Multipurpose Pronunciation Database and Phonetic Tra.pdf

002_Euralex_2010_1_BARQUE NASR POLGUERE_From the Definitions of the Tresor de la Langue Francaise to a Semantic Database.pdf

003_Euralex_2010_1_BLANCAFORT COUTO SENG_Morphosyntactic Lexica in the OAL Framework_Towards a Formalism to Handle Spell.pdf

004_Euralex_2010_1_BLANCAFORT DAILLE GORNOSTAY HEID MECHOULAM SHAROFF_TTC_Terminology Extraction, Translation Tools and.pdf

005_Euralex_2010_1_BORIN DANELLS FORSBERG KOKKINAKIS GRONOSTAJ_The Past Meets the Present in Swedish FrameNet++.pdf

006_Euralex_2010_1_BRAASCH PEDERSEN_Encoding Attitude and Connotation in wordnets.pdf

007_Euralex_2010_1_CONVERY O MIANAIN O RAGHALLAIGH ATKINS KILGARRIFF RUNDELL_The DANTE Database_Database of ANalysed Tex.pdf

008_Euralex_2010_1_DROUIN_From a Bilingual Transdisciplinary Scientific Lexicon to Bilingual Transdisciplinary Scientifi.pdf

009_Euralex_2010_1_ERLANDSEN_iLEX, a general system for traditional dictionaries on paper and adaptive electronic lexica.pdf

010_Euralex_2010_1_FELIU GIL PEDEMONTE GUIRADO_Corpus Exploitation Strategies for the Lexicographic Definition Task.pdf

011_Euralex_2010_1_FRIELING_Mit einem Klick zu vielen Moglichkeiten_deutsches Rechtswoerterbuch.pdf

012_Euralex_2010_1_GRANGER PAQUOT_The Louvain EAP Dictionary_LEAD.pdf

013_Euralex_2010_1_GROOT MASEREEUW_One Structure for Both Monolingual and Bilingual Dictionaries Converting a Large Numb.pdf

014_Euralex_2010_1_HEID WELLER_Corpus-derived data on German multiword expressions for lexicography.pdf

015_Euralex_2010_1_HEJA_Dictionary Building based on Parallel Corpora and Word Alignment.pdf

016_Euralex_2010_1_HVELPLUND ORSNES_Using a Dictionary Production System to impose a WordNet on a Dictionary_A Software.pdf

017_Euralex_2010_1_JANSSON_Working with the web as a source for dictionaries of informal vocabulary.pdf

018_Euralex_2010_1_KHOKHLOVA_Building Russian Word Sketches as Models of Phrases.pdf

019_Euralex_2010_1_KILGARRIFF KOVAR KREK SRDANOVIC TIBERIUS_A Quantitative Evaluation of Word Sketches.pdf

020_Euralex_2010_1_KREMER ABEL_Semantic Relations in Cognitive eLexicography.pdf

021_Euralex_2010_1_LANNOY_The IDM Free Online Platform for Dictionary Publishers.pdf

022_Euralex_2010_1_LUDER CLEMATIDE_Constructing a Constructional MWE Lexicon for Psycho-Conceptual Annotation_An Evaluat.pdf

023_Euralex_2010_1_MANUELIAN_Une nouvelle ressource lexicographique en ligne_le Petit Larousse Illustre de 1905.pdf

024_Euralex_2010_1_MCCARTHY KELLER NAVIGLI_Getting Synonym Candidates from Raw Data in the English Lexical Substitution.pdf

025_Euralex_2010_1_MECHURA_What WordNet does not know about selectional preferences.pdf

026_Euralex_2010_1_MULLER-SPITZER_OWID_A dictionary net for corpus-based lexicography of contemporary German.pdf

027_Euralex_2010_1_MULLER-SPITZER MOHRS _OBELEX_the Online Bibliography of Electronic Lexicography.pdf

028_Euralex_2010_1_PAJZS SASS_Towards Semi-Automatic Dictionary Making Creating the Frequency Dictionary of Hungarian Ve.pdf

029_Euralex_2010_1_RUITENBERG DOES DEPUYDT_Developing GiGaNT, a lexical infrastructure covering 16 centuries.pdf

030_Euralex_2010_1_RYLOVA_Electronic Dictionary and Dictionary Writing System_how this duo works for dictionary users ne.pdf

031_Euralex_2010_1_VLIET MAKS VOSSEN SEGERS_The Cornetto database_Semantic issues in linking lexical units and synsets.pdf

032_Euralex_2010_2_BERNAL RENAU_Q_Lo que necesitan es lo que encuentran_Q Reflexiones a proposito de la representacion d.pdf

033_Euralex_2010_2_EERENBEEMT_An innovative medical learners dictionary translated by means of speech recognition.pdf

034_Euralex_2010_2_GOUWS PRINSLOO_Thinking out of the box_perspectives on the use of lexicographic text boxes.pdf

035_Euralex_2010_2_GREGORIO-GODEO_Guiding principles for the elaboration of an English-Spanish dictionary of multi-word.pdf


037_Euralex_2010_2_NAZAR AZARIAN_The Living Lexicon_Methodology to set up Synchronic Dictionaries.pdf

038_Euralex_2010_3_ANOKHINA_Lingvo Universal English-Russian Dictionary_Making a Printed Dictionary from an Electronic O.pdf

039_Euralex_2010_3_ATKINS KILGARRIFF RUNDELL_Database of ANalysed Texts of English_DANTE_the NEID database project.pdf

040_Euralex_2010_3_BEEKEN_Quo Vadis Lexicography at the Institute for Dutch Lexicology.pdf

041_Euralex_2010_3_BERG HOLMER SKOLDBERG_Time to say goodbye Q On the exclusion of solid compounds from the Swedish Acad.pdf

042_Euralex_2010_3_BREITENEDER_FACKELLEX_Zur Struktur des Schimpfworterbuches.pdf

043_Euralex_2010_3_CARTONI LEFER_Improving the representation of word-formation in multilingual lexicographic tools_the.pdf

044_Euralex_2010_3_CERMAK CVRCEK_Author Dictionaries Revisited_Dictionary of Bohumil Hrabal.pdf

045_Euralex_2010_3_CONTRI_The Faroese-Italian Dictionary_An attempt to convey linguistic information concerning the Faro.pdf

046_Euralex_2010_3_CONVERY O MIANAIN O RAGHALLAIGH_Covering All Bases_Regional Marking of Material in the New English-Ir.pdf

047_Euralex_2010_3_DE-TIER VAN-KEYMEULEN_Software Demonstration of the Dictionary of the Flemish Dialects and the pilot.pdf

048_Euralex_2010_3_DRAMANI_The Style Manual for Monolingual Lugbarati Dictionary.pdf

049_Euralex_2010_3_ENGELBERG_An inverted loanword dictionary of German loanwords in the languages of the South Pacific.pdf

050_Euralex_2010_3_KALLAS_The development of scholarly lexicography of the Estonian Language as a Second Language in an.pdf

051_Euralex_2010_3_KATS_WikiProverbs_Online Encyclopedia of Proverbs.pdf

052_Euralex_2010_3_KLOSA SCHNORCH SCHOOLAERT_Stichwort, Stichwortliste und Eigennamen in elexiko_Einflusse der Korpusbas.pdf

053_Euralex_2010_3_LORENTZEN_Orthographical Dictionaries_How Much Can You Expect_The Danish Spelling Dictionary Revis(it.pdf

054_Euralex_2010_3_LUTHER_A language on the back foot_The Afrikaans lexicographers dilemma.pdf

055_Euralex_2010_3_MAIRANO_Phonetic Transcriptions for the New Dictionary of Italian Anglicisms.pdf

056_Euralex_2010_3_MARGALITADZE_Centre for Bilingual Lexicography at Tbilisi State University Georgia_Projects, Methods,.pdf

057_Euralex_2010_3_PARQUI BOON HENDRICKX_Crossing borders in lexicography_How to treat lexical variance between countrie.pdf

058_Euralex_2010_3_SCHOONHEIM DE-TIER_Better Nicely Linked than Poorly Copied_Historical and Regional Dictionaries of Du.pdf

059_Euralex_2010_3_SCHOONHEIM TEMPELAARS_Dutch Lexicography in Progress_the Algemeen Nederlands Woordenboek_ANW.pdf

060_Euralex_2010_3_SIJENS DEPUYDT_Wurdboek fan de Fryske taal_Dictionary of the Frisian Language online_new possibilitie.pdf

061_Euralex_2010_3_SOOSAAR_The principles and structure of the Estonian Etymological Dictionary.pdf

062_Euralex_2010_3_STORCHEVOY_Economicus_A New Conception of the Bilingual Business Dictionary.pdf

063_Euralex_2010_3_TIBERIUS NIESTADT_The ANW_an online Dutch Dictionary.pdf

064_Euralex_2010_3_VAN-KEYMEULEN DE-TIER_Pilot project_A Dictionary of the Dutch Dialects.pdf

065_Euralex_2010_3_VAN-KEYMEULEN DE-TIER_Towards the completion of the Dictionary of the Flemish Dialects.pdf

066_Euralex_2010_3_WANDL-VOGT PIRINGER_Osterreichische Pflanzennamen_Eine Webapplikation fur ein thematisches Korpus.pdf

067_Euralex_2010_3_ZABARSKAITE NAKTINIENE_The Dictionary of Lithuanian_LKZ_and its Future in Databases and Electronic Ve.pdf

068_Euralex_2010_4_DECESARIS_The organization of entries in Spanish-English_English-Spanish bilingual dictionaries.pdf

069_Euralex_2010_4_HULT MALMGREN SKOLDBERG_Lexin_a report from a recycling lexicographic project in the North.pdf

070_Euralex_2010_4_LEFER_Word-formation in English-French bilingual dictionaries_the contribution of bilingual corpora.pdf

071_Euralex_2010_4_MAFELA_Problems of Dialect Non-Inclusion in Tshivenda Bilingual Dictionary Entries.pdf

072_Euralex_2010_4_MAHTOUT GAUDIN_Approche historique et sociolinguistique de la lexicographie bilingue missionnaire et.pdf

073_Euralex_2010_4_SANCHEZ-CARDENAS TODIRASCU_The TRANSVERB project_An electronic bilingual dictionary for translators_t.pdf

074_Euralex_2010_4_SORLI_The retrieval of data for Slovene-X dictionaries.pdf

075_Euralex_2010_4_TIBERIUS AALSTEIN HOOGLAND_OMBI bilingual lexical resources_Arabic-Dutch Dutch-Arabic.pdf

076_Euralex_2010_4_VELDI_Reversing a Bilingual Dictionary_a mixed blessingQ.pdf

077_Euralex_2010_5_ABEKAWA UTIYAMA SUMITA KAGEURA_Management and use of terminological resources for distributed users i.pdf

078_Euralex_2010_5_ALONSO-CAMPO TORNER-CASTELLS_Adjectives and collocations in specialized texts_lexicographical implica.pdf

079_Euralex_2010_5_BEUKES_Not Leaving Your Language Alone_Terminology Planning in Multilingual South Africa.pdf

080_Euralex_2010_5_CARTONI ZWEIGENBAUM_Extension of a Specialised Lexicon Using Specific Terminological Data.pdf

081_Euralex_2010_5_FAAL HAMEDANCHI_Bilingual Technical-Translation Thesaurus as a Reliable Aid to Technical Communicatio.pdf

082_Euralex_2010_5_GOROG_Introducing the Dutch Terminology Service Centre_a centre of expertise on practical terminology.pdf

083_Euralex_2010_5_HACKEN_The Tension between Definition and Reality in Terminology.pdf

084_Euralex_2010_5_KREK_Termania_Free On-Line Dictionary Portal.pdf

085_Euralex_2010_5_KUDASHEV KUDASHEVA CARLSON _TermFactory_A Platform for Collaborative Ontology-based Terminology Work.pdf

086_Euralex_2010_5_MECHURA O RAGHALLAIGH_The National Terminology Database for Irish_Software demonstration.pdf

087_Euralex_2010_5_MOSZCZYNSKI_Towards a bilingual lexicon of information technology multiword units.pdf

088_Euralex_2010_5_NIC-PHAIDIN O CLEIRCIN BHREATHNACH_Building on a terminology resource_the Irish experience.pdf

089_Euralex_2010_6_AMATUZZI_Lancien et le moyen francais au siecle classique le Tresor de Recherches et Antiquitez Gaulo.pdf

090_Euralex_2010_6_FERRARA_La compilation de dictionnaires de synonymes distinctifs_une demarche synonymique et lexicogr.pdf

091_Euralex_2010_6_HANKS_Lexicography, Printing Technology, and the Spread of Renaissance Culture.pdf

092_Euralex_2010_6_HOEKSTRA_Grammatical information in dictionaries.pdf

093_Euralex_2010_6_ITO_Celtic Words in English Dictionaries and Corpora.pdf

094_Euralex_2010_6_KISHIMOTO_Annotations in Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum 1595 in the Context of Latin E.pdf

095_Euralex_2010_6_MAZZIOTTA RENDERS_Vers un enrichissement raisonne de la retroconversion du Franzosisches Etymologisch.pdf

096_Euralex_2010_6_MOOIJAART_The negation particle ne in the historical dictionaries of Dutch.pdf

097_Euralex_2010_6_PODHAJECKA_Antedating headwords in the third edition of the OED_Findings and problems.pdf

098_Euralex_2010_6_REY_Le grand vocabulaire Francois, un ouvrage taxe de tous les maux.pdf

099_Euralex_2010_6_WANDL-VOGT_Frauen_Rollentypen in einem dialektlexikographischen Jahrhundertprojekt_1911-2010.pdf

100_Euralex_2010_7_DZIEMIANKO_Dictionary, lexicon, glossary, wordbook or thesaurusQ_The usefulness of OALDCE7 and OLT fo.pdf

101_Euralex_2010_7_GASIGLIA_Donner un acces aise aux formes phoniques des mots decrits dans un dictionnaire_etude pour u.pdf

102_Euralex_2010_7_KUZMINA_The ABBYY Lingvo Platform as a convenient tool for end users and a comprehensive solution for.pdf

103_Euralex_2010_7_KWARY_From Language-Oriented to User-Oriented Electronic LSP Dictionaries_A Case Study of an English.pdf

104_Euralex_2010_7_LEW_Users Take Shortcuts_Navigating Dictionary Entries.pdf

105_Euralex_2010_7_TRAP-JENSEN_One, Two, Many_Customization and User Profiles in Internet Dictionaries.pdf

106_Euralex_2010_7_VERLINDE BINON_Monitoring Dictionary Use in the Electronic Age.pdf

107_Euralex_2010_7_ZUCCHI_O uso de dicionarios na compreensao escrita em italiano LE.pdf

108_Euralex_2010_8_BERTI_The Treatment of Lexical Collocations of Six Adjectives Related to Feelings in A Sample of Bili.pdf

109_Euralex_2010_8_BUJAN-OTERO_Onomasiologisch angeordnete Idiomlexika und ihr Nutzwert fur die Translatologie_das Forsc.pdf

110_Euralex_2010_8_GIACOMINI_A proposal for an electronic dictionary of Italian collocations highlighting lexical protot.pdf

111_Euralex_2010_8_HENK TORRENT-LENZEN_Die Festlegung der Polysemie in einem phraseologischen Worterbuch Spanisch-Deutsc.pdf

112_Euralex_2010_8_KONECNY_Von hinkenden Stuhlen, tanzenden Zahnen und verlorenen Verkehrsmitteln_Erfassung und Darstell.pdf

113_Euralex_2010_8_MATUDA_Football Phraseology_A Bilingual Corpus-Driven study.pdf

114_Euralex_2010_8_MILLER_Coals to Newcastle or glittering goldQ_Which idioms need to be included in an English learners.pdf

115_Euralex_2010_8_VRBINC-A_Part-Of-Speech Labelling and the Retrieval of Phraseological units.pdf

116_Euralex_2010_8_VRBINC-M_Phraseological false friends in English and Slovene and the metaphors behind them.pdf

117_Euralex_2010_8_WILLAMS MILLON_Going organic_Building an experimental bottom-up dictionary of verbs in science.pdf

118_Euralex_2010_9_BUKOWSKA_Sampling techniques in metalexicographic research.pdf

119_Euralex_2010_9_COFFEY_Offensive items, and less offensive alternatives, in English monolingual learners dictionaries.pdf

120_Euralex_2010_9_DOBROVOLSKIJ_Deiktische Konstruktionen des Deutschen aus lexikographischer Perspektive.pdf

121_Euralex_2010_9_FRANCA_Onomasiological dictionaries and ontologies.pdf

122_Euralex_2010_9_HANKS_Terminology, Phraseology, and Lexicography.pdf

123_Euralex_2010_9_HEYVAERT_An outline for a semantic categorization of adjectives.pdf

124_Euralex_2010_9_JANSSEN_Inflection and Word Identity.pdf

125_Euralex_2010_9_KERNERMAN-A GEFEN_Defining Dictionary Definitions for EFL Dictionaries.pdf

126_Euralex_2010_9_LANGEMETS_Systematic Polysemy of Nouns and its Lexicographic Treatment in Estonian.pdf

127_Euralex_2010_9_LETURGIE_Une pratique lexicographique emergente_les dictionnaires detournes.pdf

128_Euralex_2010_9_MARELLO_Multilexical units and headword status_A problematic issue in recent Italian lexicography.pdf

129_Euralex_2010_9_MULHALL_A Semantic and Lexical-Based Approach to the Lemmatisation of Idioms in Bilingual Italian-Eng.pdf

130_Euralex_2010_9_PAKULA_Seeing through dictionaries_On defining basic colour terms in English, Japanese and Polish lex.pdf

131_Euralex_2010_9_PERDEK_Getting through to phrasal verbs_A cognitive organization of phrasal verb entries in monolingu.pdf

132_Euralex_2010_9_SLOFSTRA VERSLOOT_The Frisian Language Database as a tool for semantic research.pdf

133_Euralex_2010_9_STRIK-LIEVERS_From lexicological to lexicographical issues_Italian verbs with predicative complement.pdf

134_Euralex_2010_9_SWANEPOEL_On defining the category MONSTER_using definitional features, narrative categories and Idea.pdf

135_Euralex_2010_9_SWEEP_Metonymical Object Changes in Dutch_Lexicographical choices and verb meaning.pdf

136_Euralex_2010_9_WOJCIECHOWSKA_Metonymy representation in English monolingual learners dictionaries_Problems and solut.pdf

137_Euralex_2010_10_BARTELS_The German-Lower Sorbian Online Dictionary.pdf

138_Euralex_2010_10_BOERSMA_WFT_The comprehensive Frisian Dictionary_Wurdboek fan de Fryske taal_Woordenboek der Friese.pdf

139_Euralex_2010_10_DUIJFF_The language norm in a century of Frisian dictionaries.pdf

140_Euralex_2010_10_KLEIN_Can the new African Language dictionaries empower the African language speakers of South Afric.pdf

141_Euralex_2010_10_KUIP_Dictionaries and their influence on language purification in minority languages_The case of Fri.pdf

142_Euralex_2010_10_MCELVENNY_Mobile phone dictionaries for small languages_the Whitesands electronic dictionary.pdf

143_Euralex_2010_10_PIKE ROBINSON_Scottish Lexicography_Major Resources in Minority Languages.pdf

144_Euralex_2010_10_SAGARNA_The Lexicographic Work of Euskaltzaindia_The Basque Language Academy 1984-2009.pdf

145_Euralex_2010_10_SCHRAMMEL RADER_Lexicography of a Non-State Language_The Case of Burgenland Romani.pdf

146_Euralex_2010_10_TOFFOLI_An Overall View about Lexicography Production for the Friulian Language.pdf

147_Euralex_2010_11_KRAMMER_The Klagenfurt lexicon database for sign languages as a web application_LedaSila, a free sig.pdf

148_Euralex_2010_11_KRISTOFFERSEN TROELSGARD_The Danish Sign Language Dictionary.pdf

149_Euralex_2010_11_SCHERMER KOOLHOF_The first national Dutch Sign Language_NGT_Dictionary in book form_Van Dale Basiswo.pdf