The final version of the Scopus-indexed EURALEX 2024 conference proceedings has been published online on the conference website and in the Publications section of this website. Video recordings of the conference presentations and pre-conference workshops can also be found at Videolectures.
We are deeply saddened to inform you that Reinhard R. K. Hartmann passed away on 12 September 2024. Many of us are familiar with the Dictionary of Lexicography (1998), which he co-authored. Some may have had the opportunity to work with him or visit the Dictionary Research Centre (in Exeter and later in Birmingham), where they were able to engage in interdisciplinary consultation on a range of topics related to lexicography.
Of special significance for EURALEX was Reinhard’s instrumental role in organising the LEXeter conference in 1983. This event proved pivotal in the formation of our Association, the International Journal of Lexicography and the book series Lexicographica. Series Maior. In addition to attending and presenting at numerous EURALEX conferences, Reinhard served as EURALEX secretary and fourth president. He made significant contributions to the field of lexicography and was a highly dedicated member of our organization. His presence will be deeply misse
The videorecordings of all the lectures in the EURALEX 40th Anniversary series are now available. You can access them at or at
We are sorry to bring the sad news that Patrick Hanks died on Thursday 1st February. Patrick was a friend, colleague, and mentor to so many of us, and the lexicographic community has lost one of its most distinguished and most admired members. Patrick’s influence on our profession has been profound, indeed almost immeasurable, and he will be greatly missed.
Thierry Declerck (1959-2023)
It is with great sorrow that we learn of the death of Thierry Declerck, a valued member of the EURALEX community.
Thierry was a great colleague to all of us and will be sorely missed.
On March 6, 2023, Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus (the president of EURALEX), Željko Jozić (Director of the Institute for the Croatian Language and Linguistics), and the EURALEX 2024 conference organiser Kristina Štrkalj Despot, signed the agreement to organize the XXI. EURALEX International Congress in Cavtat, Croatia, on 8–12 October 2024.
The A.S. Hornby Educational Trust is pleased to invite applications for the A.S. Hornby Dictionary Research Awards (ASHDRA 2022)
We support innovative research into areas of lexicography that reflect and extend the pioneering contributions of A.S. Hornby within the field of language education. Each year we fund original research that aims to produce clear practical benefits for learners of English.
Last year we were able to offer support to three projects, which shared the funding available for 2021:
- Dr Man Lai Amy Chi, Center for Language Education, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology: Dictionary Literacy Training for EFL Teachers
- Ngan Chinh Nguyen Lee, School of Education, University of Adelaide, Australia: Piloting SemiMed – a mini semantic visualisation dictionary of semi-technical medical vocabulary
- Dr R. Vennela, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, Telangana, India: Developing Pilot Materials for an English -Telugu bilingual pedagogic dictionary and teacher resource book for low resource ESL contexts
This year we look forward to receiving further interesting and innovative proposals which link lexical research activities with the needs of language learners.
ASHDRA can offer funds of up to £15,000 in 2022 for research that leads to clear practical benefits for learners of English. Grants can be awarded to either a single project, or to smaller initiatives.
Deadline for applications is 19 April 2022.
If you are considering making an application, you can find more information on the Hornby Trust website.
Sue Atkins (1931-2021)

Sue Atkins warns lexicographers
With great sadness we announce that Sue Atkins died on Friday (3rd September), at the age of 90. She died peacefully at home, and her husband Peter and daughters Lucy and Jenny were with her at the end. Sue was a giant of our community — a founder member of Euralex, a member of the first Euralex Board, and later President of Euralex. She was also instrumental in training African lexicographers: her Afrilex-Salex workshops, which she ran in 1997 (Grahamstown) and 1998 (Pretoria) together with the equally untiring Michael Rundell, were such a great success that they later morphed into what we now know as the ‘Lexicom workshop in lexicography and lexical computing’ series. For many years at Lexicom, Sue and Michael were joined by that other visionary of our field, Adam Kilgarriff (1960-2015), hence the ‘lexical computing’ part. The other major outcome of Afrilex-Salex was the publication of ‘The Oxford Guide to Practical Lexicography’ (Atkins & Rundell 2008), which was based on the material used at the South African training courses.
I can think of no better way to remember Sue than by re-watching her last talk on lexicography, in conversation with Michael Rundell, here:
All of us who work in the lexicographic field are very much in her debt, and she will be hugely missed.
Let us take a moment to remember her,
Gilles-Maurice de Schryver
outgoing President of Euralex (2018-2021)
past President of Afrilex (2009-2013)
This afternoon, the president of EURALEX Gilles-Maurice de Schryver, Mannheim’s academic director Prof. Dr. Henning Lobin (on the upper left in the screenshot), Mannheim’s administrative director Dr. Torben Heinze (on the lower right), and the EURALEX 2022 conference organiser Annette Klosa, signed the agreement to organize the XX. EURALEX International Congress in Mannheim on 12–16 July 2022. Unfortunately, Gilles-Maurice couldn’t be invited to come to Mannheim due to covid-19, so the meeting was virtual. Here is a link to the Youtube channel where the video presenting EURALEX 2022 at Mannheim is to be found:
The Organizing Committee of the EURALEX XIX International Congress has decided to organize the Congress which was to be held in Alexandroupolis, Greece as a Virtual Congress on 7-11 September 2021. More information can be found on the conference website.
Once again the A.S. Hornby Educational Trust (ASHET) is pleased to announce a call for proposals under the A.S. Hornby Dictionary Research Awards initiative (ASHDRA).
Through this annual award scheme we aim to support innovative research into areas of lexicography that will feed into practical benefits for learners of English. The deadline for applications is 19 April 2021.
Details of the award scheme and how to apply can be found on the Hornby Trust website:
Michael Rundell, on behalf of the ASHDRA Expert Panel
Our dear colleague Tanneke Schoonheim, Secretary-Treasurer of EURALEX, passed away unexpectedly on 25 August 2020. Beautiful obituaries were written by Frieda Steurs, Director of the Dutch Language Institute, and Anne Dykstra, Organiser together with Tanneke of EURALEX 2010. Our thoughts go to all of Tanneke’s family, friends and colleagues.
Memorial Service video link:
The first volume of the EURALEX 2020 proceedings has been published, and can be found at
The deadline for papers for the second volume is 28th March 2021.
After much consideration, the Organising Committee of Euralex 2020, in consultation with the Euralex Board, decided to reschedule the congress to 7-11 September 2021. ‘Euralex 2020’ will thus take place exactly one year after the original date. Our goal is to avoid disruptions to the original programme and to ensure that as many people as possible can accommodate the new date into their schedules. For all new deadlines, please see the congress website at
The XXth EURALEX International Congress will take place on 12-16 July 2022 in Mannheim, Germany. Please have a look at the video presentation and PDF we prepared for you (which replaces the presentation of Mannheim as the 2022 EURALEX congress venue, which would have been given as part of the EURALEX General Meeting in Alexandroupolis this year):
We look forward to meeting all of you in Mannheim in 2022!
The Organizing Committee: Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus, Christine Möhrs, Petra Storjohann, and Stefan Engelberg – Leibniz-Institute for the German Language
(IDS) at Mannheim, Germany
The A.S Hornby Educational Trust (ASHET) is pleased to announce a call for research proposals under the A.S.Hornby Dictionary Research Awards scheme (ASHDRA).
The scheme will offer up to £10,000 annually to fund original research (into dictionaries and their use) that feeds into practical benefits for learners of English. Please draw this to the attention of anyone you think might be interested in applying.
Details can be found on the ASHET website
Gilles-Maurice de Schryver, the president of EURALEX, was recently interviewed for the Brazilian applied-linguistics journal Calidoscópio. You can download the full interview HERE.
On March 27 the Agreement stipulating the rights and responsibilities of EURALEX and Democritus University of Thrace, in connection with the organization of the 19th biennial international congress, was drawn up. This Agreement was signed by the President of EURALEX, Gilles-Maurice de Schryver; the Rector of the university, Alexandros Polychronidis; and the Organiser of the congress, Zoe Gavriilidou. The event will take place in the deluxe Ramadi Plaza hotel & convention centre in Alexandroupolis, Greece, from 8-12 September 2020. The signing event was accompanied by a press conference, which resulted in wide media coverage in the local newspapers, including a cover-story in the Observer of Thrace.
The sixth eLex conference Electronic lexicography in the 21st century (Smart Lexicography) was held in Sintra, Portugal, from 1-3 October 2019. The conference was hosted by University of Coimbra. More information can be found on the conference page.
The XVIII EURALEX International Congress was held 17-21 July 2018 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The Congress was organized by the Centre for Language Resources and Technologies at the University of Ljubljana and Trojina, Institute for Applied Slovene Studies.
The EURALEX Congresses bring together professional lexicographers, publishers, researchers, software developers and others interested in dictionaries of all types.
The motto of this edition of the EURALEX International Congress was: Lexicography in global contexts. [Link to conference page]
Congress Website: