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Australex 2013: Endangered Words, and Signs of Revival The University of Adelaide, Australia

By July 19, 2012Uncategorized


Australex 2013: Endangered Words, and Signs of Revival

The University of Adelaide, Australia

Organizers: Professor Ghil‘ad Zuckermann and Dr Julia Miller

WHEN: Thursday-Saturday 25-27 July 2013

WHERE: The University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide City Centre, Australia

Deadline for Abstract Submissions: 1 December 2012

Notification of Acceptance: 1 February 2013

Keynote Speakers:

Dr Luise Hercus, Australian National University: A Fifty Year Perspective on Endangered Words and Revival: A Golden Jubilee?

Professor Christopher Hutton, The University of Hong Kong: Reclaiming Socio-Cultural Memory: Creating a Reference Dictionary of Hong Kong Cantonese Slogans and Quotations.

Focus Speakers:

Professor Peter Mühlhäusler, The University of Adelaide: Producing a Dictionary for an Unfocused Language: The Case of Pitkern and Norf’k.

Dr Michael Walsh, The University of Sydney: Endangered Words in the Archive: The Rio Tinto / Mitchell Library Project.

Australex 2013 will feature scholarly and emotional celebrations, marking for example Dr Luise Hercus’s 50-year work on Aboriginal languages and Professor Peter Mühlhäusler’s 20-year scholarship at the University of Adelaide. On Saturday 27 July 2013 we shall explore the beauty of the Adelaide Hills.

Call for Papers

The theme for Australex 2013 is ‘Endangered Words, and Signs of Revival’. Papers may address a wide range of areas associated with lexicography, lexicology, endangered languages, Revival Linguistics, semantics, endangered meanings, extinct concepts, contact linguistics, social empowerment through language, and words, culture and identity. Topics may include dictionaries in Indigenous, minority and other endangered communities, dialectal lexicons, the educational and cultural roles of dictionaries, talknological dictionaries, dictionaries and Native Tongue Title, lexical engineering, and language policy and lexicography. Papers can address controversies such as the ‘Give us authenticity or give us death’ argument and the descriptive/prescriptive debate. Other topics may include learners’ dictionaries, specialist dictionaries, phraseology, proverbs, onomastics and terminology. All welcome.

If you would like to propose a panel or submit a paper or a poster, would you please email an abstract of no more than 400 words in a Word document to by 1 December 2012. Abstracts may include up to 5 references. Notification of acceptance will be sent out BY 1 February 2013.

Up to two student bursaries are available to assist full-time students from Australia and New Zealand to attend the conference and present a paper.

Please see for further details.