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XIII IberoAmerican Symposium of Terminology, RITerm 2012

By July 31, 2012Uncategorized

On the 25th , 26th and 27th of October 2012 the Iberoamerican Terminology Network (RITerm) and the Interuniversity Institute of Applied Modern Languages (IULMA) will host the 13th Ibero-American Symposium of Terminology at the University of Alicante. The central theme of the Congress will be Terminology, Translation and ICT:
Social Interaction and Collaborative Work for the Construction and Dissemination of Knowledge. The Symposium has been structured into eight thematic panels to represent the different areas of knowledge.

The Symposium will be made up of plenary sessions, two thematic round tables, two workshops (in the Symposium) and eight thematic areas for
presentations, which are:

– Terminology, translation and new technologies (databases, translation
memories, extractors of terminology, etc.)
– Terminology, translation and web 2.0 platforms
– Social networks (networking), Terminology and specialized translation
– Processing of terminology resources (for the translator)
– Training in terminology and terminology applied to translation
– Terminology, translation and corpus linguistics (methods and tools for
the analysis of discourse, applications of corpus for terminology,
translation, etc.)
– Terminology and lexical combinatory specialized terminology,
– Translation and neonymy

The LANGUAGES of the Symposium, as indicated by the statutes of the
Iberoamerican Terminology Network, are *Spanish *and the *Portuguese*.
As *Valencian
*is the official language in the Valencian Community, papers may also be
presented in this official language at the Symposium.

Start of registration: June 1, 2012
Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 10 September 2012
Speakers registration deadline: October 1, 2012
Date for registration with discount: 15 September 2012
Closure of registration: October 15, 2012

*PhD. Ms. Chelo Vargas-Sierra* *Associate Professor
**University of Alicante – Dpt. English Studies*
*Apdo. 99 – 03080 Alicante (Spain)
*Tel: (+34) 965903438 | Fax: (+34) 965903800 |