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Dicionários Que Não Existem: Tipologias Lexicográficas / Planning Non-Existent Dictionaries: Lexicographic Typologies

By March 9, 2013Uncategorized

Conference announcement

Planning Non-Existent Dictionaries: Lexicographic Typologies
Dicionários Que Não Existem: Tipologias Lexicográficas

Lisbon, 7-8 October 2013
Centro de Linguística – University of Lisbon

Lexicographers seek to multiply dictionaries on offer in order to include new languages or new vocabulary fields. At the same time, lexicographic critics challenge the feasibility of certain dictionaries, which fail to implement validated theoretical models. As far as language dictionaries are concerned, they often lack lexical documentation and description – more often, lexicographers try to meet users’ expectations, rather than provide for their needs.

The aim of the conference is the analysis of on-going lexicographic projects, or of those that are about to begin, to find answers to essential typological and linguistic issues, such as:
– What kind of typological/linguistic problems may compromise the development of lexicographic projects?
– How may dictionary typologies be adapted to different languages?
– How may new lexicographic projects profit from both the methods and/or the documentation work that was garnered by previous or unsuccessful projects?

Researchers are invited to submit proposals in any of the following domains:

1. Dictionary typologies
– Identification of dictionary types that have never been developed for a given language or lexical domain;
– Analysis of lexicographic models, particularly concerning linguistic and meta-linguistic issues, and the design or use of corpora.

2. On-going projects
– Description of problem-solving strategies, especially those that are related to corpora documentation, information technology and data presentation.

3. Historical lexicographic studies
– Analysis of dictionary projects that were never completed or that remained unpublished, focusing on their typological properties, on the relevance of compiled data and on their exploitation as sources for new reference works.

Important dates
Deadline for abstract submission: May 5, 2013
Notification of acceptance: June 7, 2013
Registration opening: June 10, 2013
Conference: September 3-4, 2012 – Faculdade de Letras, University of Lisbon

Scientific Committee
Alina Villalva (U. de Lisboa); Álvaro Iriarte (U. do Minho); Clotilde Murakawa (UNESP – São Paulo); Esperança Cardeira (U. de Lisboa); Filomena Gonçalves (U. de Évora); Ivo Castro (U. de Lisboa); João Dionísio (U. de Lisboa); João Paulo Silvestre (U. de Lisboa); Monica Lupetti (U. de Pisa); Roberta Cella (U. de Pisa); Telmo Verdelho (U. de Aveiro)