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EURALEX 2014: The User in Focus

By June 17, 2013November 30th, 2016Uncategorized

The XVI EURALEX International Congress will be held 15-19 July 2014 in Bolzano/Bozen, Italy.

The Congress will be organized by the Institute for Specialised Communication and Multilingualism at the European Academy of Bolzano/Bozen (EURAC).

The EURALEX Congresses bring together professional lexicographers, publishers, researchers, software developers and others interested in dictionaries of all types.
The programme will include plenary lectures, parallel sessions on various topics, software demonstrations, pre-congress tutorials and specialized workshops, a book and software exhibition as well as social events for participants and their guests.

The motto of this edition of the EURALEX International Congress is: The user in focus.