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Tony Cowie passed away

By December 22, 2015November 30th, 2016News

Tony Cowie
It is with great sadness that we learn of the death of Tony Cowie, distinguished lexicographer and scholar, founder-member of EURALEX and Editor of the International Journal of Lexicography from 1998 – 2003. He was 84, and had been active in his work until ill health made this impossible for him. A true polymath, and one who wore his learning lightly, Tony was a real delight to listen to and talk with at EURALEX Congresses and other events where lexicographers’ paths cross. We shall miss him enormously, and send our thoughts and condolences to his devoted wife Cabs and his six children. A fuller appreciation of Tony’s contribution to lexicography and linguistic theory will appear in the next IJL.

Sue Atkins and Michael Rundell