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The “Dependency Tree Fragments” Model for Querying a Constructicon

By December 19, 2024,
Page 275-283
Author Bálint Sass
Title The “Dependency Tree Fragments” Model for Querying a Constructicon
Abstract In this paper, we argue that it is beneficial for a constructicon to have a query interface where the user can enter arbitrary text. To allow this, we present a dependency tree-based model for representing constructions, and show that this model can serve as a basis for working out a user-friendly query interface which analyses the free-text user query and matches the constructicon entries to it, revealing all constructions from the query text for the user, without expecting any knowledge of construction grammar.
Session Talk
Keywords constructicon; construction; dependency tree; dependency tree fragments; Universal Dependencies; Hungarian
address = {Cavtat},
title = {The “Dependency Tree Fragments” Model for Querying a Constructicon},isbn = {978-953-7967-77-2},
shorttitle = {Euralex 2024},
url = {},
language = {eng},
booktitle = {Lexicography and Semantics. Proceedings of the XXI EURALEX International Congress},
publisher = {Institut za hrvatski jezik},
author = {Sass, Bálint},
editor = {Despot, Kristina Š. and Ostroški Anić, Ana and Brač, Ivana},
year = {2024},
pages = {275-283}