Life beyond Dictionaries Uncategorized Life beyond Dictionaries IVANOVO STATE UNIVERSITY ROMUALDO DEL BIANCO FOUNDATION® – LIFE BEYOND TOURISM® X INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON…euralex-editorApril 17, 2013
New: Multi-disciplinary Lexicography News New: Multi-disciplinary Lexicography Multi-disciplinary Lexicography: Traditions and Challenges of the XXIst Century. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. 310 pp.…euralex-editorMarch 21, 2013
EURALEX on Facebook News EURALEX on Facebook EURALEX is on Facebook. Please like us.euralex-editorMarch 21, 2013
Dicionários Que Não Existem: Tipologias Lexicográficas / Planning Non-Existent Dictionaries: Lexicographic Typologies Uncategorized Dicionários Que Não Existem: Tipologias Lexicográficas / Planning Non-Existent Dictionaries: Lexicographic Typologies Conference announcement Planning Non-Existent Dictionaries: Lexicographic Typologies Dicionários Que Não Existem: Tipologias Lexicográficas Lisbon, 7-8…euralex-editorMarch 9, 2013
New: Patrick Hanks, Lexical Analysis News New: Patrick Hanks, Lexical Analysis In Lexical Analysis, Patrick Hanks offers a wide-ranging empirical investigation of word use and meaning…euralex-editorFebruary 20, 2013
Obelexdict News Obelexdict OBELEXdict is a database which currently comprises 17,000 entries containing information on online dictionaries from…euralex-editorFebruary 4, 2013
XIII Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social Uncategorized XIII Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social Queridos colegas: El Centro de Lingüística Aplicada cordial bienvenida chos y el Comité Organizador del…euralex-editorDecember 1, 2012
End of print dictionaries at Macmillan News End of print dictionaries at Macmillan Macmillan has announced that, from 2013, it will no longer be publishing dictionaries in book…euralex-editorNovember 5, 2012
OBSERVING NORMS, OBSERVING USAGE: LEXIS IN DICTIONARIES AND IN THE MEDIA Uncategorized OBSERVING NORMS, OBSERVING USAGE: LEXIS IN DICTIONARIES AND IN THE MEDIA Seminar Announcement - Turin, 9-10 May 2013 Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture…euralex-editorOctober 30, 2012
Paul Bogaards News Paul Bogaards The Executive Board of EURALEX is deeply saddened to announce the passing of our good…euralex-editorOctober 16, 2012