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Maltese Lexicography – A Historical Context and the Current State

By December 19, 2024,
Page 413-429
Author Dwayne Ellul
Title Maltese Lexicography – A Historical Context and the Current State
Abstract This study has two main objectives: firstly, to provide a concise overview of the evolution of Maltese lexicography, and secondly, to shed light on the latest advancements in the field within the local context. Following select criteria for dictionary reviews presented in Svensén’s (2009, pp. 482–483) checklist, this paper reviews the most significant dictionaries in the Maltese lexicographic tradition, starting from Thezan’s dictionary, compiled in the the early 17th century, and continuing with the most important ones from each subsequent century.
Session Talk
Keywords Maltese lexicography; trilingual lexicography; bilingual lexicography; monolingual lexicography; dictionary criticism; online dictionaries; root-and-pattern morphology; concatenative morphology
address = {Cavtat},
title = {Maltese Lexicography – A Historical Context and the Current State},isbn = {978-953-7967-77-2},
shorttitle = {Euralex 2024},
url = {},
language = {eng},
booktitle = {Lexicography and Semantics. Proceedings of the XXI EURALEX International Congress},
publisher = {Institut za hrvatski jezik},
author = {Ellul, Dwayne},
editor = {Despot, Kristina Š. and Ostroški Anić, Ana and Brač, Ivana},
year = {2024},
pages = {413-429}