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OMBI: An Editor for Constructing Reversible Lexical Databases

By November 17, 2016,
Page 675-687
Author Willy Martin, Anne Tamm
Title OMBI: An Editor for Constructing Reversible Lexical Databases
Abstract In this paper OMBI (Dutch acronym for Omkeerbare Bilinguale Lexicale Databases (= Reversible Bilingual Lexical Databases)) is presented and its approach, in particular with regard to the reversal function, is dealt with. First a description of OMBI's basic architecture, aimed at genericity and flexibility is given. In this respect a distinction is made between three organizational levels: the UDS (Universal Deep Structure) of bilingual lexicons, the PDS (Product Specific Deep Structure) and the SUS (Surface Structure). Thereafter OMBI's main characteristics are briefly mentioned (editing, genericity, import/export), to finally discuss the reversal function and approach. Here several parameters such as conceptual equivalence, pragmatic contrast, variant status and lexicalization status are used in order to link lexical units (not form units) from different languages to each other. The end result should be a non-directional but linkable bilingual database from which databases and/or dictionaries in both directions can be automatically derived at a subsequent stage, and which can be used to be linked with languages outside of the original language pair.
Session PART 5 - Lexicographical and Lexicological Projects
author = {Willy Martin, Anne Tamm},
title = {OMBI: An Editor for Constructing Reversible Lexical Databases},
pages = {675-687},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th EURALEX International Congress},
year = {1996},
month = {aug},
date = {13-18},
address = {Göteborg, Sweden},
editor = {Martin Gellerstam, Jerker Järborg, Sven-Göran Malmgren, Kerstin Norén, Lena Rogström, Catalina Röjder Papmehl},
publisher = {Novum Grafiska AB},
isbn = {91-87850-14-1},