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The Locum Hyphen – A Formal Approach to the Lexicalization of Multiword Expressions With Rich Internal Semantics

By December 19, 2024,
Page 121-131
Author Michael Nguyen, Peter Juel Henrichsen
Title The Locum Hyphen – A Formal Approach to the Lexicalization of Multiword Expressions With Rich Internal Semantics
Abstract We present a study of Danish multiword constructions containing one or more hyphens, such as gas- og vandmester (‘gas- and water.repairman’; ‘plumber’), ilt- og brintatomer (‘oxygen- and hydrogen atoms’) and haveborde og -stole (‘garden tables and -chairs’). Although materially analogous, such constructions exhibit different semantics, falling — as we shall argue — into two distinct groups (“locum” vs. “pseudo locum” hyphen constructions). This study employs the COR1 database (Jervelund et al., 2012; Widmann, 2024) and draws on the CLINK formal framework for computational lexicography (Henrichsen, 2023; 2024a). The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how linguistic analysis of such multiword expressions with rich internal semantics can benefit from methods of computational lexicography – and vice versa.
Session Talk
Keywords hyphen; multiword expressions; language technology; structural ambiguity; punctuation; COR
address = {Cavtat},
title = {The Locum Hyphen – A Formal Approach to the Lexicalization of Multiword Expressions With Rich Internal Semantics},isbn = {978-953-7967-77-2},
shorttitle = {Euralex 2024},
url = {},
language = {eng},
booktitle = {Lexicography and Semantics. Proceedings of the XXI EURALEX International Congress},
publisher = {Institut za hrvatski jezik},
author = {Nguyen, Michael and Henrichsen, Peter Juel},
editor = {Despot, Kristina Š. and Ostroški Anić, Ana and Brač, Ivana},
year = {2024},
pages = {121-131}