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Bien écrire bien parler au XIXe siécle. Le role du dictionnaire dans l’apprentissage de la langue maternelle. Le casdu roumain. L’APPRENTISSAGE DE LA LANGUE MATERNELLE: LE CAS DU ROUMAIN

By September 7, 2022,
Page 650-659
Author Maria Aldea
Title Bien écrire bien parler au XIXe siécle. Le role du dictionnaire dans l’apprentissage de la langue maternelle. Le casdu roumain. L’APPRENTISSAGE DE LA LANGUE MATERNELLE: LE CAS DU ROUMAIN
Abstract In this paper, the author studies the role of the dictionary in the first language acquisition, highlighting its didactic value. Based on two Romanian lexicographical works of the 19th century, Lexiconul de la Buda (Buda, 1825) [the Lexicon of Buda] et Vocabularu romano-francesu (Bucarest, 1870) [the Romanian-French Vocabulary], the author analyses the normative information recorded in the articles in order to observe which level of language (i. e. phonetical, morphological, syntactical and lexical) is concerned. Such an approach allows to distinguish between the possible changings both at the level of the perception or at the grammatical, lexical and semantical description, i. e. the settlement of the word in the first language, and at a technical level, i. e. the making of article and of dictionary.
Session Talk
Keywords First language acquisition, dictionary, linguistic norm, cultural norm, Lexiconul de la Buda, Vocabularu romano­-francesu
address = {Mannheim},
title = {Bien écrire bien parler au {XIXe} siécle. {Le} role du dictionnaire dans l'apprentissage de la langue maternelle. {Le} casdu roumain. {L}’{APPRENTISSAGE} {DE} {LA} {LANGUE} {MATERNELLE}: {LE} {CAS} {DU} {ROUMAIN}},
isbn = {978-3-937241-87-6},
shorttitle = {Euralex (2022)},
url = {},
language = {fr},
booktitle = {Dictionaries and {Society}. {Proceedings} of the {XX} {EURALEX} {International} {Congress}},
publisher = {IDS-Verlag},
author = {Aldea, Maria},
editor = {Klosa-Kückelhaus, Annette and Engelberg, Stefan and Möhrs, Christine and Storjohann, Petra},
year = {2022},
pages = {650--659},