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Bilingual Lexicography in the Republic of Tatarstan in 1990-2010

By November 23, 2016,
Page 475-479
Author Gulshat Safiullina
Title Bilingual Lexicography in the Republic of Tatarstan in 1990-2010
Abstract This paper overviews the contemporary development of bilingual Tatar lexicography which started with the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Republic of Tatarstan in 1992 and its future prospects. The Law on Languages in 1992 proclaimed the Tatar language to be the second state language in the Republic of Tatarstan along with the Russian to safeguard and promote the language of Tatars. The renaissance of national awareness resulted in numerous lexicographic works. At first, Tatar-Russian terminological dictionaries were compiled, covering the spheres of oil refinery and management; later appeared the dictionaries for learners, including primary school pictorial dictionaries and collegiate dictionaries; finally, full academic dictionaries in respect to the Tatar language were created. The obvious progress has been made in compiling entries that meet the requirements of theoretical paradigms and practical applicability and present the proper information on the level of morphology, phonetics, semantics and stylistics. The steps to be taken are to include the example sentences from corpora for providing information about syntagmatic relationships at the level of phrases and sentences; to produce online versions of dictionaries relevant to digital reality; to adjust academic dictionaries to the needs of Tatar-speaking individuals in mastering the English language.
Session Bi- and Multilingual Lexicography
Keywords dictionary; Tatar; lexicography
author={Gulshat Safiullina},
title={Bilingual Lexicography in the Republic of Tatarstan in 1990-2010},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th EURALEX International Congress},
address={Tbilisi, Georgia},
editor={Tinatin Margalitadze, George Meladze},
publisher={Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi University Press},