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Creating a Bilingual Italian-English Dictionary of Collocations

By November 17, 2016,
Page 515-523
Author Barbara Berti, Laura Pinnavaia
Title Creating a Bilingual Italian-English Dictionary of Collocations
Abstract Collocations are among the most challenging issues that learners of a foreign language have to face. The main obstacle for Italian learners of English is encountered in active tasks, and especially, when translating or writing essays in English. The encoding of collocations in fact often results in the selection of wrong terms. There is no doubt that the production and translation of Italian collocations would be facilitated were students to have at their disposal a bilingual Italian-English Dictionary of Collocations. The aim of this work is to endorse the importance of the existence of such a tool and to show the beginnings of its compilation.
Session Bi-and Multilingual Lexicography
Keywords collocations; bilingual lexicography; corpus linguistics.
author={Barbara Berti and Laura Pinnavaia},
title={Creating a Bilingual Italian-English Dictionary of Collocations },
booktitle={Proceedings of the 16th EURALEX International Congress},
address={Bolzano, Italy},
editor={Abel, Andrea and Vettori, Chiara and Ralli, Natascia},
publisher={EURAC research},