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Dictionary as an Instrument of Linguistic Research

By November 23, 2016,
Page 224-231
Author Valentina Apresjan, Nikolai Mikulin
Title Dictionary as an Instrument of Linguistic Research
Abstract While linguistic corpora have long been established as an efficient instrument of linguistic research, dictionaries are underrated in this capacity. Their utilitarian function is mostly defined by their usefulness to a general user. Accordingly, electronic dictionaries are primarily designed to satisfy the needs of a language learner, and not of a linguist. But dictionaries of an active type, with their wealth of structured multi-level information about words, could feed linguistic theory in a variety of ways. Active dictionary of the Russian language (ADR) is an advanced active dictionary aimed at recording all linguistic information necessary to use a word correctly. ADR includes information on the morphological, stylistic, prosodic, syntactic, and combinatorial properties of lexical items, as well as on their major semantic relations (synonyms, antonyms, converse synonyms, derivatives). The current project involves turning ADR into an electronic database with a variety of search functions, that would both advance linguistic theory and serve the needs of a general user. The paper is structured as follows: 1) General principles of ADR; 2) ADR Online as an electronic database; 3) Sample uses of ADR Online as an instrument of linguistic research.
Session Lexicography and Language Technologies
Keywords active dictionary; lexicographic type; semantic class; database; integrated description of language; negative polarity
author={Valentina Apresjan, Nikolai Mikulin},
title={Dictionary as an Instrument of Linguistic Research},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th EURALEX International Congress},
address={Tbilisi, Georgia},
editor={Tinatin Margalitadze, George Meladze},
publisher={Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi University Press},