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Dictionary of Abbreviations in Linguistics: Towards Defining Cognitive Aspects as Structural Elements of the Entry

By November 17, 2016,
Page 145-157
Author Ivo Fabijanić
Title Dictionary of Abbreviations in Linguistics: Towards Defining Cognitive Aspects as Structural Elements of the Entry
Abstract The first part of the article deals with general information about the project of compiling a dictionary of abbreviations in linguistics. It also contains a short overview of past research together with their main results. So far, some specific theoretical and practical solutions were proposed. Theoretical solutions refer to the Multi-level approach in collecting data for submorphemic word-formations, which consists of three aspects: 1) Structure and Modes of Production, 2) Cognitive Aspects, and 3) Functional Aspects. Practical solutions for the structure and modes of production have already been recommended with the results properly substantiated by the examples of abbreviations. The second part presents results of the analysis for the cognitive aspect of the multi-level approach. The semantic part reveals the relationship between an abbreviation type and the semantic (sub-)field it might be assigned to. Semiotic part is achieved by designating a specific interpretation of a sign's meaning, while the analysis of lexicalization and institutionalization confirms their contingent addition to this scientific lexicon. The motivational aspect takes two conceptual perspectives in consideration: the narrower and broader senses of the formation, and various semantic relationship patterns which led to the classification of fully and partially motivated abbreviations.
Session The Dictionary-Making Process
Keywords dictionary, abbreviations, linguistics, micro-structure, analysis, multi-level approach, cognitive aspect, semantics, semiotics, motivation, lexicalization, institutionalization
author={Ivo Fabijanić },
title={Dictionary of Abbreviations in Linguistics: Towards Defining Cognitive Aspects as Structural Elements of the Entry},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 16th EURALEX International Congress},
address={Bolzano, Italy},
editor={Abel, Andrea and Vettori, Chiara and Ralli, Natascia},
publisher={EURAC research},