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Exploring the Frequency and the Type of Users’ Digital Skills Using S.I.E.D.U.

Page 909-914
Author Stavroula Mavrommatidou
Title Exploring the Frequency and the Type of Users’ Digital Skills Using S.I.E.D.U.
Abstract S.I.E.D.U. (Strategy Inventory for Electronic Dictionary Use) is a valid and reliable electronic instrument de-signed for assessing users’ skills in electronic dictionary searches. It can be used for research purposes mainly for the detection of users’ profiles in order to design appropriate intervention programs in classrooms. In the present paper, it has been used for collecting empirical data on users’ dictionary skills, which is an important but poorly researched topic in language learning contexts. Seven hundred people (students from high schools and universities as well as teachers) participated in the investigation and completed the online questionnaire S.I.E.D.U., reflecting on their own digital dictionary use. It was found that not all users are familiar enough with the strategies required when using digital dictionaries and some of them lack the right skills to fully benefit from this useful source of information. In addition, there are differences in the skills applied by users depending on their level of education but not between university students in different study fields.
Session Poster Presentations
Keywords digital lexicography, user skills, dictionary use
author={Stavroula Mavrommatidou},
title={Exploring the Frequency and the Type of Users’ Digital Skills Using S.I.E.D.U.},
booktitle={Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress: Lexicography in Global Contexts},
address={Ljubljana, Slovenia},
editor={Jaka Čibej, Vojko Gorjanc, Iztok Kosem, Simon Krek},
publisher={Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts},
isbn={978-961-06-0097-8}, }