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Frisian dictionaries, digitized from A to Z

Page 609-614
Author Eduard Drenth, Hindrik Sijens, Hans Van de Velde
Title Frisian dictionaries, digitized from A to Z
Abstract This paper approaches dictionaries as lexical resources with functions for target audiences, which benefit from a strictly defined data format, which means less work and improved interchangeability. Code generation in a reliable automated build process provides validation and documentation. Stable services provide functions that can be realized within the data format. The software can run straight away with a complete docker setup. In this way, creating a dictionary becomes primarily a matter of editing or converting data, for instance with an XML editor that supports editors by means of generated validation and documentation.
Session Bi- and Multilingual Lexicography
Keywords Frisian; TEI; Universal Dependencies; eXist-db; dictionaries
address = {Alexandroupolis},
title = {Frisian dictionaries, digitized from {A} to {Z}},
isbn = {978-618-85138-2-2},
url = {},
language = {en},
booktitle = {Lexicography for {Inclusion}: {Proceedings} of the 19th {EURALEX} {International} {Congress}, 7-9 {September} 2021, {Alexandroupolis}, {Vol}. 2},
publisher = {Democritus University of Thrace},
author = {Drenth, Eduard and Sijens, Hindrik and Van de Velde, Hans},
editor = {Mitits, Lydia and Kiosses, Sypros},
year = {2021},
pages = {609--614},}