D/L |
No. |
Authors |
Title |
II |
Zoe Gavriilidou, Lydia Mitits, Spyros Kiosses |
Front matter – Volume II |
I |
Zoe Gavriilidou, Maria Mitsiaki, Asimakis Fliatouras |
Front matter – Volume I |
1 |
María A. Barrios |
The Making of the Diretes Dictionary: how to develop an e-dictionary based on automatic inheritance |
2 |
Kaja Dolar, Marie Steffens, Noé Gasparini |
Dictionnaire des francophones – A New Paradigm in Francophone Lexicography |
3 |
Janoš Ježovnik, Karmen Kenda-Jež, Jožica Škofic |
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Adaptation of Scientific Dialect Data for Use in a Language Portal for Schoolchildren |
4 |
Špela Arhar Holdt, Nataša Logar, Eva Pori, Iztok Kosem |
“Game of Words”: Play the Game, Clean the Database |
5 |
Barbara McGillivray, Hilary Nesi, Michael Rundell, Katalin Süle |
Understanding English Dictionaries: the Experience from a Massive Open Online Course |
6 |
Sina Ahmadi, Sanni Nimb, John P. McCrae, Nicolai H. Sørensen |
Towards Automatic Linking of Lexicographic Data: the case of a Historical and a Modern Danish Dictionary |
7 |
Lenka Bajčetić, Thierry Declerck |
Interlinking Slovene Language Datasets |
8 |
Mireille Ducassé |
Kartu-Verbs: A Semantic Web Base of Inflected Georgian Verb Forms to Bypass Georgian Verb Lemmatization Issues |
9 |
Voula Giouli, Nikos F. Sidiropoulos |
Making Dictionaries Visible, Accessible, and Reusable: The Case of the Greek Conceptual Dictionary API |
10 |
Julian Grosse, Roser Saurí |
Principled Quality Estimation for Dictionary Sense Linking |
11 |
Eirini Kouvara, Meritxell Gonzàlez, Julian Grosse, Roser Saurí |
Determining Differences of Granularity between Cross-Dictionary Linked Senses |
12 |
Ene Vainik, Geda Paulsen, Ahti Lohk |
A Typology of Lexical Ambiforms in Estonian |
13 |
Andrea Abel |
By the Way, do Dictionaries Deal with Online Communication? On the Use of Meta-Communicative Connectors in CMC Communication and their Representation in Lexicographic Resources for German |
14 |
Aikaterini Χριστοπούλου, George Ξυδόπουλος |
Δημιουργία ηλεκτρονικής λεξικογραφικής βάσης για το περιθωριακό λεξιλόγιο της ΝΕ: αρχικός σχεδιασμός |
15 |
Anna Ιορδανίδου |
«Τα σταλθέντα ή τα σταλμένα μηνύματα;» – απολιθώματα των αρχαίων μετοχών στα σύγχρονα λεξικά και στα σώματα κειμένων |
16 |
Guzel Giztova, Leysan Ismagilova |
Semantic Relations in the Thesaurus of English Idioms: A Corpus-based Study |
17 |
Magda Mexa, Stella Markantonatou |
Intensifiers/moderators of verbal multiword expressions in Modern Greek |
18 |
Rei Miyata, Hodai Sugino |
Building a Controlled Lexicon for Authoring Automotive Technical Documents |
19 |
Patrick Leroyer, Henrik Køhler Simonsen |
Reconceptualizing Lexicography: The Broad Understanding |
20 |
Manuel Márquez Cruz, Ana Mª Fernández-Pampillón |
A Morpho-Semantic Digital Didactic Dictionary for Learners of Latin at Early Stages |
21 |
Anthoula Ροντογιάννη |
Ενδογλωσσική και διαγλωσσική προσέγγιση της συνωνυμίας. Συγκριτική μελέτη λογοτεχνικών μεταφράσεων με δίγλωσσα και μονόγλωσσα λεξικά. |
22 |
Arvi Tavast, Kristina Koppel, Margit Langemets, Jelena Kallas |
Towards the Superdictionary: Layers, Tools and Unidirectional Meaning Relations |
23 |
Theresa Kruse, Ulrich Heid |
Lemma Selection and Microstructure: Definitions and Semantic Relations of a Domain-Specific e-Dictionary of the Mathematical Field of Graph Theory |
24 |
Igor S. Kudashev, Olga V. Semenova |
A Thematic Dictionary for Doctor–Patient Communication: The Principles and Process of Compilation |
25 |
Olga B. Bobrova |
Τοπωνύμια τηςελληνικής και η σχέση τους με τη νεοελληνική γλωσσική εικόνα του κόσμου |
26 |
Tinatin Margalitadze |
Definitions of the Oxford English Dictionary and Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary of I. Mel’čuk |
27 |
Vera Pilitsidou, Voula Giouli |
Frame Semantics in the Specialized Domain of Finance: Building a Termbase to Translation |
28 |
Maria Aldea |
Le Traitement des Proverbes dans les Dictionnaires Explicatifs Roumains du XIXe Siècle |
29 |
Laura Giacomini, Paolo DiMuccio-Failla, Eva Lanzi |
The interaction of argument structures and complex collocations: role and challenges in learner’s lexicography |
30 |
Vivian Stamou, Marilena Malli, Penny Takorou, Artemis Xylogianni, Stella Markantonatou |
Evaluation of Verb Multiword Expressions discovery measurements in literature corpora of Modern Greek |
31 |
Athanasios Karasimos, Ioanna Manolessou, Dimitra Melissaropoulou |
Creating a DTD template for Greek dialectal lexicography: the case of the Historical Dictionary of the Cappadocian dialect |
32 |
Kusujiro Miyoshi |
John Pickering’s Vocabulary (1816) Reconsidered: America’s Earliest Philological Exploration of Lexicography |
33 |
Christian-Emil Ore, Oddrun Grønvik |
Studying language change through indexed and interlinked dictionaries |
34 |
Pedro Bueno Ruiz |
When neologisms don’t reach the dictionary: occasionalisms in Spanish |
35 |
Pierre Fournier, Rim Latrache |
Arabic Loanwords in English: a Lexicographical Approach |
36 |
Zoe Gavriilidou, Lydia Mitits |
Loanblends in the speech of Greek heritage speakers: a corpus-based lexicological approach |
37 |
Ana-Maria Barbu, Irina Lupu, Oana Stoica-Dinu, Dana-Luminita Teleoacă, Teodora Toroipan |
Inventory of New Romanian Lexemes and Meanings Attested on the Internet |
38 |
Annick Farina, Carolina Flinz |
LBC-Dictionary: a Multilingual Cultural Heritage Dictionary. Data Collection Preparation |
39 |
Stellan Petersson, Emma Sköldberg |
To discriminate between discrimination and inclusion: a lexicographer’s dilemma |
40 |
Barbora Štěpánková, Marie Mikulová, Jan Hajič |
The MorfFlex Dictionary of Czech as a Source of Linguistic Data |
41 |
Geoffrey Williams, Ioana Galleron, Clarissa Stincone |
Announcing the Dictionary: Front Matter in the Three Editions of Furetière’s Dictionnaire Universel |
42 |
Melania Cabezas-García, Pilar León-Araúz |
Term variation in terminographic resources: a review and a proposal |
43 |
Marie-Claude L’Homme |
Revisiting Polysemy in Terminology |
44 |
Anna Vacalopoulou |
Sign Language Corpora and Dictionaries: a Multidimensional Challenge |
45 |
Thomai Dalpanagioti |
Learning dictionary skills from Greek EFL coursebooks: How likely? |
46 |
Eleni Motsiou |
The Greek Children Spoken Language Corpus (GCSL Corpus) / Το Προφορικό Σώμα Κειμένων Ελληνόφωνων Παιδιών (ΠΣΚΕΠ): Παρουσίαση, Εφαρμογές και |
47 |
Silga Sviķe, Karina Šķirmante |
Audio Recordings in a Specialized Dictionary: A Bilingual Translation and Phrase Dictionary of Medical Terms |
48 |
Joanna Bilińska-Brynk, Ewa Rodek |
Paper Quotation Slips to the Electronic Dictionary of the 17th- and 18th-Century Polish – Digital Index and its Integration with the Dictionary |
49 |
Renata Bronikowska, Magalena Majdak, Aleksandra Wieczorek, Mateusz Żółtak |
The Electronic Dictionary of the 17th- and 18th-century Polish – Towards the Formula Asset of the Historical Vocabulary |
50 |
Ivana Lazić Konjik, Ana Milenković |
The Development of the Open Dictionary of Contemporary Serbian Language Crowdsourcing Techniques |
51 |
Anna Tenieshvili |
The New Online English-Georgian Maritime Dictionary Project. Challenges and Perspectives. |
52 |
Katerina Toraki, Stella Markantonatou, Anna Vacalopoulou, Panagiotis Minos, George Pavlidis |
Issues in linking a thesaurus of Macedonian and Thracian gastronomy with the Langual system |
53 |
Charlotte Buxton, Meritxell Gonzàlez, Roser Saurí |
XD-AT: A Cross-Dictionary Annotation Tool |
54 |
Henrik Køhler Simonsen |
Augmented Writing and Lexicography: A Symbiotic Relationship? |
55 |
Valeria Caruso, Johanna Monti, Alessia Andrisani, Barbara Beatrice, Federica Contento, Zelinda De Tommaso, Fabiana Ferrara, Antonello Menniti |
IdeoMania and Gamification add-ons for App Dictionaries |
56 |
Vit Baisa, Carole Tiberius, Elisabetta Ježek, Lut Colman, Constanza Marini, Emma Romani |
Skema: A New Tool for Corpus-driven Lexicography |
57 |
Constanza Marini, Elisabetta Ježek |
CROATPAS: A Lexicographic Resource for Croatian Verbs and its Potential for Croatian Language Teaching |
58 |
Anna Anastassiadis-Symeonidis |
Pour un Dictionnaire de Familles d’unités (sous-)lexicales |
59 |
Christoforos Charalambrakis |
Combating linguistic myths and stereotypes: The contribution of the Practical Dictionary of Modern Greek of the Academy of Athens |
60 |
Janet DeCesaris |
Dictionaries and Morphology |
61 |
Danie J. Prinsloo |
Lexicographic treatment of salient features and challenges in the creation of paper and electronic dictionaries |
62 |
Vasiliki Afentoulidou, Anastasia Christofidou |
It’s a long way to a dictionary: Towards a corpus-based dictionary of neologisms |
63 |
Eduard Drenth, Hindrik Sijens, Hans Van de Velde |
Frisian dictionaries, digitized from A to Z |
64 |
Peter Meyer, Gerd Hentschel |
Charting A Landscape of Loans. An e-Lexicographical Project on German Lexical Borrowings in Polish Dialects |
65 |
Ioanna Manolessou, G. Katsouda |
Drawing the line between synchrony and diachrony in historical and dialectal lexicography |
66 |
Ellert Thor Johannsson, Simonetta Battista |
New words in old sources: Additions to the lemma list of a historical scholarly dictionary |
67 |
Daria Lazić, Ana Mihaljević |
Stereotypes and Taboo Words in Dictionaries from a Diachronic and a Synchronic Perspective – The Case Study of Croatian and Croatian Church Slavonic |
68 |
Olga Lyashevskaya, Yana Penkova |
Revised entries in the multi-volume edition and TEI encoding: a case of the historical dictionary of Russian |
69 |
Isabella Chiari |
A Lexicographic platform for migration terminology: problems and methods |
70 |
Irene Renau |
Using verb patterns to find recurrent metaphors in corpus |
71 |
Valeria Zotti |
Les termes des arts dans les dictionnaires de la tradition française et dans les corpus de dernière génération : une relation d’inclusion réciproque? |
72 |
Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Rada Stijović, Mirjana Gočanin, Mihailo Škorić |
Towards Automatic Definition Extraction for Serbian |
73 |
Iztok Kosem, Sanni Nimb, Carole Tiberius, Bob Boelhouwer, Simon Krek |
License to use: ELEXIS survey on licensing lexicographic data and software |
74 |
Matthieu Constant, Aggeliki Fotopoulou |
Verbal multiword expressions: a preliminary study on the fixedness degree, application to Modern Greek and French |
75 |
Rove Chishman, Bruna da Silva, Aline Nardes dos Santos, Ana Luiza Treichel Vianna, Sandra de Oliveira, Mikaela Luzia Martins, Gilles-Maurice de Schryver |
Building a Paralympic, Frame-based Dictionary – Towards an Inclusive Design for Dicionário Paraolímpico (Unisinos/Brazil) |
76 |
Zoe Gavriilidou, Evanthia Konstantinidou |
The design of an explicit and integrated intervention program for pupils aged 10-12 with the aim to promote dictionary culture and strategies |
77 |
Elizaveta S. Onufrieva |
Οι Φρασεολογισμοί-Κατασκευές της Νέας Ελληνικής Γλώσσας: Μια Λεξικογραφική Προσέγγιση |
78 |
Iztok Kosem, David Lindemann |
New developments in Elexifinder, a discovery portal for lexicographic literature |
79 |
Tanara Zingano Kuhn, Branislava Šandrih Todorović, Špela Arhar Holdt, Rina Zviel-Girshin, Kristina Koppel, Ana R. Luís, Iztok Kosem |
Crowdsourcing Pedagogical Corpora for Lexicographical Purposes |
80 |
Nikos Mathioudakis |
Αρχές για τη δημιουργία ενός εξειδικευμένου λεξικού για ποιητικούς νεολογισμούς: μελέτη περίπτωσης στην ΟΔΥΣΕΙΑ του Νίκου Καζαντζάκη |
81 |
Michal Mechura, Brian Ó Raghallaigh |
Introducing Terminologue: a cloud-based, open-source terminology management tool |