Euralex 2020-2021

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Volume I: Gavriilidou, Zoe, Mitsiaki, Maria & Fliatouras, Asimakis (eds.), 2020. Lexicography for Inclusion: Proceedings of the 19th EURALEX International Congress, 7-9 September 2021, Alexandroupolis, Vol. 1. Alexandroupolis: Democritus University of Thrace. 542 pp. _________________________________________ Volume II: Gavriilidou, Zoe, Mitits, Lydia & Kiosses, Sypros (eds.), 2021. Lexicography for Inclusion: Proceedings of the 19th EURALEX International Congress, 7-9 September 2021, Alexandroupolis, Vol. 2. Alexandroupolis: Democritus University of Thrace. 266 pp.
D/L No. Authors Title
II Zoe Gavriilidou, Lydia Mitits, Spyros Kiosses Front matter – Volume II
I Zoe Gavriilidou, Maria Mitsiaki, Asimakis Fliatouras Front matter – Volume I
1 María A. Barrios The Making of the Diretes Dictionary: how to develop an e-dictionary based on automatic inheritance
2 Kaja Dolar, Marie Steffens, Noé Gasparini Dictionnaire des francophones – A New Paradigm in Francophone Lexicography
3 Janoš Ježovnik, Karmen Kenda-Jež, Jožica Škofic Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Adaptation of Scientific Dialect Data for Use in a Language Portal for Schoolchildren
4 Špela Arhar Holdt, Nataša Logar, Eva Pori, Iztok Kosem “Game of Words”: Play the Game, Clean the Database
5 Barbara McGillivray, Hilary Nesi, Michael Rundell, Katalin Süle Understanding English Dictionaries: the Experience from a Massive Open Online Course
6 Sina Ahmadi, Sanni Nimb, John P. McCrae, Nicolai H. Sørensen Towards Automatic Linking of Lexicographic Data: the case of a Historical and a Modern Danish Dictionary
7 Lenka Bajčetić, Thierry Declerck Interlinking Slovene Language Datasets
8 Mireille Ducassé Kartu-Verbs: A Semantic Web Base of Inflected Georgian Verb Forms to Bypass Georgian Verb Lemmatization Issues
9 Voula Giouli, Nikos F. Sidiropoulos Making Dictionaries Visible, Accessible, and Reusable: The Case of the Greek Conceptual Dictionary API
10 Julian Grosse, Roser Saurí Principled Quality Estimation for Dictionary Sense Linking
11 Eirini Kouvara, Meritxell Gonzàlez, Julian Grosse, Roser Saurí Determining Differences of Granularity between Cross-Dictionary Linked Senses
12 Ene Vainik, Geda Paulsen, Ahti Lohk A Typology of Lexical Ambiforms in Estonian
13 Andrea Abel By the Way, do Dictionaries Deal with Online Communication? On the Use of Meta-Communicative Connectors in CMC Communication and their Representation in Lexicographic Resources for German
14 Aikaterini Χριστοπούλου, George Ξυδόπουλος Δημιουργία ηλεκτρονικής λεξικογραφικής βάσης για το περιθωριακό λεξιλόγιο της ΝΕ: αρχικός σχεδιασμός
15 Anna Ιορδανίδου «Τα σταλθέντα ή τα σταλμένα μηνύματα;» – απολιθώματα των αρχαίων μετοχών στα σύγχρονα λεξικά και στα σώματα κειμένων
16 Guzel Giztova, Leysan Ismagilova Semantic Relations in the Thesaurus of English Idioms: A Corpus-based Study
17 Magda Mexa, Stella Markantonatou Intensifiers/moderators of verbal multiword expressions in Modern Greek
18 Rei Miyata, Hodai Sugino Building a Controlled Lexicon for Authoring Automotive Technical Documents
19 Patrick Leroyer, Henrik Køhler Simonsen Reconceptualizing Lexicography: The Broad Understanding
20 Manuel Márquez Cruz, Ana Mª Fernández-Pampillón A Morpho-Semantic Digital Didactic Dictionary for Learners of Latin at Early Stages
21 Anthoula Ροντογιάννη Ενδογλωσσική και διαγλωσσική προσέγγιση της συνωνυμίας. Συγκριτική μελέτη λογοτεχνικών μεταφράσεων με δίγλωσσα και μονόγλωσσα λεξικά.
22 Arvi Tavast, Kristina Koppel, Margit Langemets, Jelena Kallas Towards the Superdictionary: Layers, Tools and Unidirectional Meaning Relations
23 Theresa Kruse, Ulrich Heid Lemma Selection and Microstructure: Definitions and Semantic Relations of a Domain-Specific e-Dictionary of the Mathematical Field of Graph Theory
24 Igor S. Kudashev, Olga V. Semenova A Thematic Dictionary for Doctor–Patient Communication: The Principles and Process of Compilation
25 Olga B. Bobrova Τοπωνύμια τηςελληνικής και η σχέση τους με τη νεοελληνική γλωσσική εικόνα του κόσμου
26 Tinatin Margalitadze Definitions of the Oxford English Dictionary and Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary of I. Mel’čuk
27 Vera Pilitsidou, Voula Giouli Frame Semantics in the Specialized Domain of Finance: Building a Termbase to Translation
28 Maria Aldea Le Traitement des Proverbes dans les Dictionnaires Explicatifs Roumains du XIXe Siècle
29 Laura Giacomini, Paolo DiMuccio-Failla, Eva Lanzi The interaction of argument structures and complex collocations: role and challenges in learner’s lexicography
30 Vivian Stamou, Marilena Malli, Penny Takorou, Artemis Xylogianni, Stella Markantonatou Evaluation of Verb Multiword Expressions discovery measurements in literature corpora of Modern Greek
31 Athanasios Karasimos, Ioanna Manolessou, Dimitra Melissaropoulou Creating a DTD template for Greek dialectal lexicography: the case of the Historical Dictionary of the Cappadocian dialect
32 Kusujiro Miyoshi John Pickering’s Vocabulary (1816) Reconsidered: America’s Earliest Philological Exploration of Lexicography
33 Christian-Emil Ore, Oddrun Grønvik Studying language change through indexed and interlinked dictionaries
34 Pedro Bueno Ruiz When neologisms don’t reach the dictionary: occasionalisms in Spanish
35 Pierre Fournier, Rim Latrache Arabic Loanwords in English: a Lexicographical Approach
36 Zoe Gavriilidou, Lydia Mitits Loanblends in the speech of Greek heritage speakers: a corpus-based lexicological approach
37 Ana-Maria Barbu, Irina Lupu, Oana Stoica-Dinu, Dana-Luminita Teleoacă, Teodora Toroipan Inventory of New Romanian Lexemes and Meanings Attested on the Internet
38 Annick Farina, Carolina Flinz LBC-Dictionary: a Multilingual Cultural Heritage Dictionary. Data Collection Preparation
39 Stellan Petersson, Emma Sköldberg To discriminate between discrimination and inclusion: a lexicographer’s dilemma
40 Barbora Štěpánková, Marie Mikulová, Jan Hajič The MorfFlex Dictionary of Czech as a Source of Linguistic Data
41 Geoffrey Williams, Ioana Galleron, Clarissa Stincone Announcing the Dictionary: Front Matter in the Three Editions of Furetière’s Dictionnaire Universel
42 Melania Cabezas-García, Pilar León-Araúz Term variation in terminographic resources: a review and a proposal
43 Marie-Claude L’Homme Revisiting Polysemy in Terminology
44 Anna Vacalopoulou Sign Language Corpora and Dictionaries: a Multidimensional Challenge
45 Thomai Dalpanagioti Learning dictionary skills from Greek EFL coursebooks: How likely?
46 Eleni Motsiou The Greek Children Spoken Language Corpus (GCSL Corpus) / Το Προφορικό Σώμα Κειμένων Ελληνόφωνων Παιδιών (ΠΣΚΕΠ): Παρουσίαση, Εφαρμογές και
47 Silga Sviķe, Karina Šķirmante Audio Recordings in a Specialized Dictionary: A Bilingual Translation and Phrase Dictionary of Medical Terms
48 Joanna Bilińska-Brynk, Ewa Rodek Paper Quotation Slips to the Electronic Dictionary of the 17th- and 18th-Century Polish – Digital Index and its Integration with the Dictionary
49 Renata Bronikowska, Magalena Majdak, Aleksandra Wieczorek, Mateusz Żółtak The Electronic Dictionary of the 17th- and 18th-century Polish – Towards the Formula Asset of the Historical Vocabulary
50 Ivana Lazić Konjik, Ana Milenković The Development of the Open Dictionary of Contemporary Serbian Language Crowdsourcing Techniques
51 Anna Tenieshvili The New Online English-Georgian Maritime Dictionary Project. Challenges and Perspectives.
52 Katerina Toraki, Stella Markantonatou, Anna Vacalopoulou, Panagiotis Minos, George Pavlidis Issues in linking a thesaurus of Macedonian and Thracian gastronomy with the Langual system
53 Charlotte Buxton, Meritxell Gonzàlez, Roser Saurí XD-AT: A Cross-Dictionary Annotation Tool
54 Henrik Køhler Simonsen Augmented Writing and Lexicography: A Symbiotic Relationship?
55 Valeria Caruso, Johanna Monti, Alessia Andrisani, Barbara Beatrice, Federica Contento, Zelinda De Tommaso, Fabiana Ferrara, Antonello Menniti IdeoMania and Gamification add-ons for App Dictionaries
56 Vit Baisa, Carole Tiberius, Elisabetta Ježek, Lut Colman, Constanza Marini, Emma Romani Skema: A New Tool for Corpus-driven Lexicography
57 Constanza Marini, Elisabetta Ježek CROATPAS: A Lexicographic Resource for Croatian Verbs and its Potential for Croatian Language Teaching
58 Anna Anastassiadis-Symeonidis Pour un Dictionnaire de Familles d’unités (sous-)lexicales
59 Christoforos Charalambrakis Combating linguistic myths and stereotypes: The contribution of the Practical Dictionary of Modern Greek of the Academy of Athens
60 Janet DeCesaris Dictionaries and Morphology
61 Danie J. Prinsloo Lexicographic treatment of salient features and challenges in the creation of paper and electronic dictionaries
62 Vasiliki Afentoulidou, Anastasia Christofidou It’s a long way to a dictionary: Towards a corpus-based dictionary of neologisms
63 Eduard Drenth, Hindrik Sijens, Hans Van de Velde Frisian dictionaries, digitized from A to Z
64 Peter Meyer, Gerd Hentschel Charting A Landscape of Loans. An e-Lexicographical Project on German Lexical Borrowings in Polish Dialects
65 Ioanna Manolessou, G. Katsouda Drawing the line between synchrony and diachrony in historical and dialectal lexicography
66 Ellert Thor Johannsson, Simonetta Battista New words in old sources: Additions to the lemma list of a historical scholarly dictionary
67 Daria Lazić, Ana Mihaljević Stereotypes and Taboo Words in Dictionaries from a Diachronic and a Synchronic Perspective – The Case Study of Croatian and Croatian Church Slavonic
68 Olga Lyashevskaya, Yana Penkova Revised entries in the multi-volume edition and TEI encoding: a case of the historical dictionary of Russian
69 Isabella Chiari A Lexicographic platform for migration terminology: problems and methods
70 Irene Renau Using verb patterns to find recurrent metaphors in corpus
71 Valeria Zotti Les termes des arts dans les dictionnaires de la tradition française et dans les corpus de dernière génération : une relation d’inclusion réciproque?
72 Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Rada Stijović, Mirjana Gočanin, Mihailo Škorić Towards Automatic Definition Extraction for Serbian
73 Iztok Kosem, Sanni Nimb, Carole Tiberius, Bob Boelhouwer, Simon Krek License to use: ELEXIS survey on licensing lexicographic data and software
74 Matthieu Constant, Aggeliki Fotopoulou Verbal multiword expressions: a preliminary study on the fixedness degree, application to Modern Greek and French
75 Rove Chishman, Bruna da Silva, Aline Nardes dos Santos, Ana Luiza Treichel Vianna, Sandra de Oliveira, Mikaela Luzia Martins, Gilles-Maurice de Schryver Building a Paralympic, Frame-based Dictionary – Towards an Inclusive Design for Dicionário Paraolímpico (Unisinos/Brazil)
76 Zoe Gavriilidou, Evanthia Konstantinidou The design of an explicit and integrated intervention program for pupils aged 10-12 with the aim to promote dictionary culture and strategies
77 Elizaveta S. Onufrieva Οι Φρασεολογισμοί-Κατασκευές της Νέας Ελληνικής Γλώσσας: Μια Λεξικογραφική Προσέγγιση
78 Iztok Kosem, David Lindemann New developments in Elexifinder, a discovery portal for lexicographic literature
79 Tanara Zingano Kuhn, Branislava Šandrih Todorović, Špela Arhar Holdt, Rina Zviel-Girshin, Kristina Koppel, Ana R. Luís, Iztok Kosem Crowdsourcing Pedagogical Corpora for Lexicographical Purposes
80 Nikos Mathioudakis Αρχές για τη δημιουργία ενός εξειδικευμένου λεξικού για ποιητικούς νεολογισμούς: μελέτη περίπτωσης στην ΟΔΥΣΕΙΑ του Νίκου Καζαντζάκη
81 Michal Mechura, Brian Ó Raghallaigh Introducing Terminologue: a cloud-based, open-source terminology management tool