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GCQP – Multiplatform Graphical User Interface to the CQP corpus manager

By November 17, 2016,
Page 149-154
Author Pavel Rychlý
Title GCQP – Multiplatform Graphical User Interface to the CQP corpus manager
Abstract This software demonstration presents a new user interface to the corpus manager CQP. The key feature of this system is the client/server architecture. The server is a wrapper of CQP, it runs on a UNIX system and uses CQP commands for the corpus query evaluation. There are also some new features like the generic sort of concordance lines, the multilevel frequency distribution or the collocations identification based on MI-score a and T-score. The client (GCQP) is a graphical user interface and it is possible to run it on UNIX with X Window System, MS Windows 95/98/NT or Macintosh systems. It communicates with the server over Internet. GCQP makes all features of CQP and server enhancements available to users in a friendly environment.
Session PART 3 - Corpora, Tools and NLP Dictionaries
author = {Pavel Rychlý},
title = {GCQP – Multiplatform Graphical User Interface to the CQP corpus manager},
pages = {149-154},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th EURALEX International Congress},
year = {2000},
month = {aug},
date = {8-12},
address = {Stuttgart, Germany},
editor = {Ulrich Heid, Stefan Evert, Egbert Lehmann, Christian Rohrer},
publisher = {Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung},
isbn = {3-00-006574-1},