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GESL Vocabulary and Innovation Technologies

By November 23, 2016,
Page 257-266
Author Tamar Makharoblidze, George Mirianashvili
Title GESL Vocabulary and Innovation Technologies
Abstract Georgian Sign Language (GESL) is a language of Deaf and Hard of Hearing people (DHH) in Georgia. The current researches on GESL are connected with computational linguistics and lexicology. Our group at Ilia State University works on the sign language universal translator, which will be able to translate the texts from any sign language into spoken and vice versa. This issue is concerning the communication problems of DHH worldwide. We elaborated the theory of neutral signs (NS). Currently we are building the mini corpora for GESL to test the elaborated software prototype. We should collect data according to the proper methodology structuring the information, analyzing and comparing the signs from different sign languages (SL), creating the special API for integration with any other SL corpora, revealing and then testing the elaborated algorithms for the universal SL translator, elaborating the software and hardware design concepts for the final product.
Session Lexicography and Language Technologies
Keywords Georgian sign language; sign recognizing engine; sigh language machinery interpreter; SL soft
author={Tamar Makharoblidze, George Mirianashvili},
title={GESL Vocabulary and Innovation Technologies},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th EURALEX International Congress},
address={Tbilisi, Georgia},
editor={Tinatin Margalitadze, George Meladze},
publisher={Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi University Press},