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Historical Corpus and Historical Dictionary: Merging Two Ongoing Projects of Old French by Integrating their Editing Systems

Page 453-465
Author Sabine Tittel
Title Historical Corpus and Historical Dictionary: Merging Two Ongoing Projects of Old French by Integrating their Editing Systems
Abstract To combine corpus data with dictionary data has two advantages: (i) It embeds the vocabulary of the corpus texts within the overall system of the language, and it semantically disambiguates the texts. (ii) The corpus data enrich the dictionary and shed new light on the comprehension of the vocabulary. The retrospective integration of corpus data into a dictionary is a task that has to focus on two aspects, (i) on the integration of the word forms, and (ii) on the semantic integration of the words. This second aspect continues to be an important issue, particularly for historical languages. Automated solutions do not exist. In this paper, we present the retrospective integration – both with a graphical and a semantic focus – of the corpus of Old French legal texts, Documents linguistiques galloromans (with approx. 800,000 attestations of Old French lexemes), into the Dictionnaire étymologique de l’ancien français (with 83,000 dictionary entries). We have implemented a semi-automated process resulting in a time-saving editorial workflow to accomplish the data integration. Further, we have created a twofold publication concept for the dictionary entries that makes for a straightforward way of enriching the dictionary with the valuable material of the domain of Old French law.
Keywords historical lexicography, corpus linguistics, Old French, dictionary writing system, scholarly digital text edition, history of law
author={Sabine Tittel},
title={Historical Corpus and Historical Dictionary: Merging Two Ongoing Projects of Old French by Integrating their Editing Systems},
booktitle={Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress: Lexicography in Global Contexts},
address={Ljubljana, Slovenia},
editor={Jaka Čibej, Vojko Gorjanc, Iztok Kosem, Simon Krek},
publisher={Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts},
isbn={978-961-06-0097-8}, }