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IdeoMania and Gamification add-ons for App Dictionaries

Page 515-519
Author Valeria Caruso, Johanna Monti, Alessia Andrisani, Barbara Beatrice, Federica Contento, Zelinda De Tommaso, Fabiana Ferrara, Antonello Menniti
Title IdeoMania and Gamification add-ons for App Dictionaries
Abstract The paper outlines the main features of a lexicographic mobile game developed by a group of students during a coding course. The app is a learning resource for Italian idioms based on pictorial strategies and theoretical assumptions from phraseological research. Special attention is also given to the pedagogical methodology (Challenge Based Learning or CBL) used during the course and its specific improvements for supporting Humanities students in learning coding topics. Learners actually work in groups to develop an app project on a topic they feel passionate about, so they are urged to acquire coding and specific content knowledge on the subject of their interest. Challenge Based Learning is intended to be a flexible learning framework which can be used to improve students’ knowledge in the electronic lexicography field due to an ongoing process of reflecting, researching and testing innovative solutions before releasing the final prototype. As an example, the type of gamification elements provided by IdeoMania can be added to any kind of lexicographic tool.
Session Lexicography and Language Technologies
Keywords Lexicographic Apps; Lexicography Learning Programs; Lexicography and Language Technologies; Phraseology and Collocation; Reports on Lexicographical and Lexicological Projects
address = {Alexandroupolis},
title = {{IdeoMania} and {Gamification} add-ons for {App} {Dictionaries}},
isbn = {978-618-85138-1-5},
url = {},
language = {en},
booktitle = {Lexicography for {Inclusion}: {Proceedings} of the 19th {EURALEX} {International} {Congress}, 7-9 {September} 2021, {Alexandroupolis}, {Vol}. 1},
publisher = {Democritus University of Thrace},
author = {Caruso, Valeria and Monti, Johanna and Andrisani, Alessia and Beatrice, Barbara and Contento, Federica and De Tommaso, Zelinda and Ferrara, Fabiana and Menniti, Antonello},
editor = {Gavriilidou, Zoe and Mitsiaki, Maria and Fliatouras, Asimakis},
year = {2020},
pages = {515--519},}