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Inclusion of verbal syntagmatic patterns in specialized dictionaries: the case of EcoLexicon

By November 17, 2016,
Page 554-562
Author Beatriz Sánchez Cárdenas, Miriam Buendía Castro
Title Inclusion of verbal syntagmatic patterns in specialized dictionaries: the case of EcoLexicon
Abstract One of the main drawbacks of specialized lexicographical resources is the lack of combinatorial patterns in word descriptions. Various authors have highlighted the need to include verbs in specialized lexicographic resources (William 2010; L’Homme & Leroyer 2009; López-Ferrero & Torner Castells 2008; Alonso Campos & Torner Castells 2008). In this sense, apart from some initiatives (Williams 2008; Williams & Millon 2010 inter alia), verbs have not yet deserved enough attention in terminographic resources. In this research we aim to evaluate how verbs should be ideally described in dictionaries for specific purposes. To this end, we first analyze how the existing specialized resources deal with phraseology and word combination. Based on their main advantages and shortcomings, we present here a new proposal for verb description in EcoLexicon, a specialized knowledge base of environmental sciences. Accordingly, a fine-grained description of the macrostructure and microstructure of a verb entry is provided, based on the main tenets of Frame-Based Terminology (Fillmore 1985, 2006; Faber 2009, 2011, 2012), Role and Reference Grammar (Van Valin 2005) and the Lexical Grammar Model (Faber & Mairal 1999, Ruiz de Mendoza & Mairal 2008). The terminological entry proposed accounts for the combinatorial patterns of terms and verbs and, therefore, is thought to be very useful for translators who are due to produce texts in the target language in the same way natives would do.
Session Terminology, LSP and lexicography
Keywords terminology, specialised knowledge representation, verbal lexicon, syntagmatic patterns
author = {Beatriz Sánchez Cárdenas and Miriam Buendía Castro},
title = {Inclusion of verbal syntagmatic patterns in specialized dictionaries: the case of EcoLexicon},
pages = {554--562},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th EURALEX International Congress},
year = {2012},
month = {aug},
date = {7-11},
address = {Oslo,Norway},
editor = {Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld and Julie Matilde Torjusen},
publisher = {Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies, University of Oslo},
isbn = {978-82-303-2228-4},