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Integration of sign language lexical data in the OntoLex-Lemon framework.

By September 7, 2022,
Page 296-300
Author Thierry Declerck
Title Integration of sign language lexical data in the OntoLex-Lemon framework.
Abstract We describe the status of work intending at including sign language lexical data within the OntoLex­-Lemon framework. Our general goal is to provide for a multimodal extension to this framework, which was originally conceived for covering only the written and phonetic representation of lexical data. Our aim is to achieve in the longer term the same type of semantic interoperability between sign language lexical data as this is achieved for their spoken or written counterparts. We want also to achieve this goal across modalities: between sign language lexical data and spoken/written lexical data.
Session Poster
Keywords Sign Languages, OntoLex-Lemon, lexical data
address = {Mannheim},
title = {Integration of {Sign} {Language} {Lexical} {Data} in the {Ontolex}-{Lemon} {Framework}.},
isbn = {978-3-937241-87-6},
shorttitle = {Euralex (2022)},
url = {},
language = {eng},
booktitle = {Dictionaries and {Society}. {Proceedings} of the {XX} {EURALEX} {International} {Congress}},
publisher = {IDS-Verlag},
author = {Declerck, Thierry},
editor = {Klosa-Kückelhaus, Annette and Engelberg, Stefan and Möhrs, Christine and Storjohann, Petra},
year = {2022},
pages = {296--300},