Juristische Kollokationen in norwegischen Arbeitsverträgen

By November 17, 2016,
Page 600-605
Author Julia Pujsza
Title Juristische Kollokationen in norwegischen Arbeitsverträgen
Abstract This article describes the research of legal collocations in the corpus of Norwegian employment contracts. It is characteristic for the legal language, as a language for specific purposes, that terms and collocations have a special meaning, different from the general language usage. In this article the problem of the definition of collocations is described as well as the differences between collocations in a language for specific purposes and a language for general purposes. The aim of the research was to compose the list of the legal collocations and the possible classification of them in the Norwegian employment contracts. Some examples of them are given and explained in the article. The results could be a starting point for other lexicographic works. The study of the collocations in Norwegian employment contracts could be useful for lawyers, interpreters or even laymen who have contacts with this type of text in their everyday life.
Session Terminology, LSP and lexicography
Keywords Juristische Fachsprache, Juristische Kollokationen, Korpusarbeit, Norwegische Arbeitsverträge.
author = {Julia Pujsza},
title = {Juristische Kollokationen in norwegischen Arbeitsverträgen},
pages = {600--605},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th EURALEX International Congress},
year = {2012},
month = {aug},
date = {7-11},
address = {Oslo,Norway},
editor = {Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld and Julie Matilde Torjusen},
publisher = {Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies, University of Oslo},
isbn = {978-82-303-2228-4},