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L’utilisation d’un dictionnaire électronique: une étude de cas

By November 17, 2016,
Page 773-783
Author Thierry Selva, Serge Verlinde
Title L’utilisation d’un dictionnaire électronique: une étude de cas
Abstract The experimentation described in this paper was carried out to test the features of the DAFLES, a new online dictionary for learners of French, still in construction, and to check how satisfactory they are for the users. The tasks to be done consisted of comprehension (sense location) and production (translations in L2, synonyms and actants research) exercises. The most significant results were that users familiarized themselves quite easily with the dictionary interface, in spite of the break with the tradition, and took the actancy schemes in the right way. Nevertheless, be it in comprehension or in production, it was noticed that the users did not always find the relevant information, more particularly when long definitions and examples were not consulted. To improve that, some trails ofinvestigation are proposed.
Session AILA Symposium on the Use of Learners' Dictionaries
author = {Thierry Selva, Serge Verlinde},
title = {L'utilisation d'un dictionnaire électronique: une étude de cas },
pages = {773-783},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th EURALEX International Congress},
year = {2002},
month = {aug},
date = {13-17},
address = {København, Denmark},
editor = {Anna Braasch and Claus Povlsen},
publisher = {Center for Sprogteknologi},
isbn = {87-90708-09-1},