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Meanings, Ideologies, and Learners’ Dictionaries

By November 17, 2016,
Page 85-105
Author Rosamund Moon
Title Meanings, Ideologies, and Learners’ Dictionaries
Abstract This paper looks at the treatment of ideologically loaded items in monolingual learners’dictionaries of English, and issues in the lexicographical description of their meanings. It begins by considering non-denotative meaning and the question of evidence; then considers a selection of entries relating to ethnocentricity, gender and sexuality, and age. Entries are drawn mainly from the standard British big five; the 1948 edition of Hornby; and two crowd-sourced dictionaries.
Session Plenary lectures
Keywords ageism; critical lexicography; culture; ethnocentricity; gender; ideology; learners’ dictionaries; meaning; sexism
author={Rosamund Moon},
title={Meanings, Ideologies, and Learners’ Dictionaries},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 16th EURALEX International Congress},
address={Bolzano, Italy},
editor={Abel, Andrea and Vettori, Chiara and Ralli, Natascia},
publisher={EURAC research},