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New developments in Elexifinder, a discovery portal for lexicographic literature

Page 759-766
Author Iztok Kosem, David Lindemann
Title New developments in Elexifinder, a discovery portal for lexicographic literature
Abstract In this paper, we present ongoing work on Elexifinder (, a lexicographic literature discovery portal developed in the framework of the ELEXIS (European Lexicographic Infrastructure) project. Since the first launch of the tool, the database behind Elexifinder has been enriched with publication metadata and full texts stemming from the LexBib project, and from other sources. We describe data curation and migration workflows, including the development of an RDF database, and the interaction between the database and Elexifinder. Several new features that have been added to the Elexifinder interface in version 2 are presented, such as a new Lexicography-focused category system for classifying article subjects called LexVoc, enhanced search options, and links to LexBib Zotero collection. Future tasks include getting lexicographic community more involved in the improvement of Elexifinder, e.g. in translation of LexVoc vocabulary, improving LexVoc classification, and suggesting new publications for inclusion.
Session Historical and Scholarly Lexicography and Etymology
Keywords ELEXIS; bibliographical data; metalexicography; lexicographic research
address = {Alexandroupolis},
title = {New developments in {Elexifinder}, a discovery portal for lexicographic literature},
isbn = {978-618-85138-2-2},
url = {},
language = {en},
booktitle = {Lexicography for {Inclusion}: {Proceedings} of the 19th {EURALEX} {International} {Congress}, 7-9 {September} 2021, {Alexandroupolis}, {Vol}. 2},
publisher = {Democritus University of Thrace},
author = {Kosem, Iztok and Lindemann, David},
editor = {Mitits, Lydia and Kiosses, Sypros},
year = {2021},
pages = {759--766},}