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Paper Quotation Slips to the Electronic Dictionary of the 17th- and 18th-Century Polish – Digital Index and its Integration with the Dictionary

Page 465-470
Author Joanna Bilińska-Brynk, Ewa Rodek
Title Paper Quotation Slips to the Electronic Dictionary of the 17th- and 18th-Century Polish – Digital Index and its Integration with the Dictionary
Abstract The paper presents the results of experimental paper quotation slips’ tagging that was conducted to investigate the possibility of electronic indexing of scanned paper quotation slips constituting a citation archive (a card-index) for the Dictionary of the 17th- and 1st half of the 18th-Century Polish (e-SXVII The paper citation archive consists of more than 3 million paper quotation slips posing an exemplification of ca. 116,000 of words, which means 86,000 dictionary entries – all of them placed in 836 boxes. There is the need for integration of the archive and the lexicographic panel in order to accelerate the lexicographic work and eliminate human-related mistakes. The test allowed the authors to determine the project priorities, main methodological problems and to decide on future project proceedings. The presented case study may be interesting for other lexicographic teams facing the same problems and looking for an efficient, cheap and quick solution to the problem of using such an abundance of available data.
Session Historical and Scholarly Lexicography and Etymology
Keywords quotation slips; historical dictionary; indexing; card-index; citations archive
address = {Alexandroupolis},
title = {Paper {Quotation} {Slips} to the {Electronic} {Dictionary} of the 17th- and 18th-{Century} {Polish} - {Digital} {Index} and its {Integration} with the {Dictionary}},
isbn = {978-618-85138-1-5},
url = {},
language = {en},
booktitle = {Lexicography for {Inclusion}: {Proceedings} of the 19th {EURALEX} {International} {Congress}, 7-9 {September} 2021, {Alexandroupolis}, {Vol}. 1},
publisher = {Democritus University of Thrace},
author = {Bilińska-Brynk, Joanna and Rodek, Ewa},
editor = {Gavriilidou, Zoe and Mitsiaki, Maria and Fliatouras, Asimakis},
year = {2020},
pages = {465--470},}