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Proyecto para la redacción de un diccionario de locuciones del espanol

By November 17, 2016,
Page 1379-1384
Author Inmaculada Penadés Martínez
Title Proyecto para la redacción de un diccionario de locuciones del espanol
Abstract The idea of creating a dictionary of Spanish idioms originates in the verification that currently there is no dictionary that solely includes these kinds of phraseology units, in contrast to other publications that compile other types of complex units, such as popular sayings. There are other reasons for the convenience of the project, more concretely, the deficient lexicographic treatment given to the assigning of grammar marks up to this day. This deficiency becomes apparent also in the assigning of syntagmatic combinatory, as well as the diastratic and diaphasic markings for idioms in Spanish phraseology dictionaries. The aforementioned dictionary will be onomasiological, semasiological, and will include a synonym and antonym thesaurus.
Session 8. Phraseology and Collocation
author = {Inmaculada Penadés Martínez},
title = {Proyecto para la redacción de un diccionario de locuciones del espanol},
pages = {1379-1384},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th EURALEX International Congress},
year = {2008},
month = {jul},
date = {15-19},
address = {Barcelona, Spain},
editor = {Elisenda Bernal, Janet DeCesaris},
publisher = {Institut Universitari de Linguistica Aplicada, Universitat Pompeu Fabra},
isbn = {978-84-96742-67-3},