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Sobre las construcciones pronominales y su tratamiento en algunos diccionarios monolingües de cuatro lenguas románicas

By November 17, 2016,
Page 495-504
Author Paz Battaner, Irene Renau Araque
Title Sobre las construcciones pronominales y su tratamiento en algunos diccionarios monolingües de cuatro lenguas románicas
Abstract Some non-native student errors in Spanish show the difficulty of pronominal constructions in Spanish language, which is an aspect that has been analysed under all possible approaches in the grammatical bibliography, but has received little attention from a lexicographical point of view. Our aim in this paper is to propose proper treatment of this issue in the Spanish Learner's Dictionary for Foreign Speakers (DAELE). We review the advances in grammatical analyses of these constructions for Spanish, and later we observe the treatment they have received in several dictionaries of other Romance languages, to decide which parameters we will take into account for verb entries presenting these constructions. Basing ourselves on the grammatical studies, we establish a classification of ten types of pronominal uses, grouped according to if they are: A) uses deriving from the grammar, in which the pronoun represents an argument of the verb; B) constructions in some languages, such as Spanish and Catalan, that admit what appear to be reflexive pronouns which which in fact do not represent arguments of the verb; and C) alternations with or without the pronoun that may or may not display a change in meaning. With this classification in mind, and although the description for Spanish cannot be generalized to all Romance languages, we review some general monolingual and new learner's dictionaries for foreign speakers. For the selection of verbs consulted, we take the examples from French provided by Fontenelle (2004). The treatment of the pronominal uses is analyzed for their appearance in headwords, in a specific sense or subsense, in the examples, and in the observations or remarks. There is some variation across dictionaries, and also within a single dictionary, and that some uses are rarely or irregularly included. Our initial conclusion is that in the DAELE we should adopt some solutions that not do not introduce more variation and should strive to simplify the analysis.
Session 2. The Dictionary-Making Process
author = {Paz Battaner, Irene Renau Araque},
title = {Sobre las construcciones pronominales y su tratamiento en algunos diccionarios monolingües de cuatro lenguas románicas},
pages = {495-504},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th EURALEX International Congress},
year = {2008},
month = {jul},
date = {15-19},
address = {Barcelona, Spain},
editor = {Elisenda Bernal, Janet DeCesaris},
publisher = {Institut Universitari de Linguistica Aplicada, Universitat Pompeu Fabra},
isbn = {978-84-96742-67-3},