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Systematic Polysemy of Estonian Colour Adjectives

By November 23, 2016,
Page 702-708
Author Maria Tuulik, Margit Langemets
Title Systematic Polysemy of Estonian Colour Adjectives
Abstract This article introduces patterns of systematic adjectival polysemy in Estonian focusing on colour terms. The aim of our work is to create a theoretical framework for presenting adjectives in the Estonian Collocations Dictionary (to be published in 2018). To explore systematic polysemy patterns, semantic types were attached to the word senses and similarities in the semantic shifts of the words were searched for. Semantic types provided for describing Estonian (polysemous) adjectives (Tuulik 2014) were used in the study. In the case of senses denoting nouns, semantic types developed for Estonian nouns (Langemets 2010) were used. The colour adjectives are examined in terms of both polysemy and morphological structure. A polysemy index, i.e. the average number of meanings per word, is ascertained on the basis of a single-volume explanatory dictionary of Estonian (to be published in 2018) for root adjectives, derivatives and compound words in order to explore the relations between polysemy and morphology based on the example of Estonian colour adjectives (463 colour terms altogether).
Session Lexicography and Semantic Theory
Keywords semantics; lexicology; lexicography; morphology; adjectives; Estonian
author={Maria Tuulik, Margit Langemets},
title={Systematic Polysemy of Estonian Colour Adjectives},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th EURALEX International Congress},
address={Tbilisi, Georgia},
editor={Tinatin Margalitadze, George Meladze},
publisher={Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi University Press},