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The MorfFlex Dictionary of Czech as a Source of Linguistic Data

Page 387-392
Author Barbora Štěpánková, Marie Mikulová, Jan Hajič
Title The MorfFlex Dictionary of Czech as a Source of Linguistic Data
Abstract In this paper we describe MorfFlex, the Morphological Dictionary of Czech, as an invaluable resource for exploring the formal behavior of words. We demonstrate that MorfFlex provides valuable and rich data allowing to elaborate on various morphological issues in depth, which is also connected with the fact that the MorfFlex dictionary includes words throughout the whole vocabulary range, including non-standard units, proper nouns, abbreviations, etc. Moreover, in comparison with typical monolingual dictionaries of Czech, MorfFlex also captures non-standard wordforms, which is very important for Czech as a language with a rich inflection. In the paper we also demonstrate how particular information on lemmas and wordforms (e.g. variants, homonymy, style information) is marked and structured. The dictionary is provided as a digital open access source available to all scholars via the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ language resource repository. It is available in an electronic format, and also in a more human-readable, browsable and partly searchable form.
Session Reports on Lexicographical and Lexicological Projects
Keywords Morphology; Dictionary; Czech; Lemma; Wordform; Tag
address = {Alexandroupolis},
title = {The {MorfFlex} {Dictionary} of {Czech} as a {Source} of {Linguistic} {Data}},
isbn = {978-618-85138-1-5},
url = {},
language = {en},
booktitle = {Lexicography for {Inclusion}: {Proceedings} of the 19th {EURALEX} {International} {Congress}, 7-9 {September} 2021, {Alexandroupolis}, {Vol}. 1},
publisher = {Democritus University of Thrace},
author = {Štěpánková, Barbora and Mikulová, Marie and Hajič, Jan},
editor = {Gavriilidou, Zoe and Mitsiaki, Maria and Fliatouras, Asimakis},
year = {2020},
pages = {387--392},}