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Treating Metaphoric Senses in a Danish Computational Lexicon –Different cases of regular polysemy

By November 17, 2016,
Page 679-691
Author Sanni Nimb, Bolette Sandford Pedersen
Title Treating Metaphoric Senses in a Danish Computational Lexicon –Different cases of regular polysemy
Abstract The aim of the EU-project SIMPLE (Semantic Information for Multifunctional Plurilingual Lexica) is to provide harmonised semantic lexicons for Natural Language Processing for 12 of the European languages. The language specific encodings are performed on the basis of a unified, ontology-based semantic model representing an extended qualia structure. In this paper we focus on the high frequency of figurative senses in real text in order to find systematic solutions when adapting the universal model to our corpus data. We first propose a treatment where the figurative senses of a certain group of nouns are considered a case of regular polysemy by showing that in many cases it is possible to map parts of the qualia structure of the concrete sense systematically into the corresponding figurative sense. Second, we show that even though motion verbs produce a very large variation of metaphoric senses, it is also possible to find systematic patterns of sense derivations for these. One of the metaphoric senses, namely ‘moving in time’, has generally been overlooked in lexicon production, but we demonstrate a way of encoding this sense in our lexicon in a satisfying way.
Session PART 14 - Linguistic Description in Dictionaries: Semantics
author = {Sanni Nimb, Bolette Sanford Pedersen},
title = {Treating Metaphoric Senses in a Danish Computational Lexicon –Different cases of regular polysemy},
pages = {679-691},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th EURALEX International Congress},
year = {2000},
month = {aug},
date = {8-12},
address = {Stuttgart, Germany},
editor = {Ulrich Heid, Stefan Evert, Egbert Lehmann, Christian Rohrer},
publisher = {Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung},
isbn = {3-00-006574-1},