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Un diálogo implícito: la relación entre Joan Corominas y José Luis Pensado a través de su producción lexicográfica

By November 17, 2016,
Page 1097-1104
Author Rosalía Cotelo García
Title Un diálogo implícito: la relación entre Joan Corominas y José Luis Pensado a través de su producción lexicográfica
Abstract Our paper is part of a broader research into the profound change that transformed the Diccionario Crítico Etimológico de la Lengua Castellana (1954) by Joan Corominas, into the Diccionario Crítico Etimológico Castellano e Hispánico (1980) by Joan Corominas and José Antonio Pascual, the latter being a considerably more comprehensive and extensive edition. Our proposal stresses the importance of the implicit dialogue that Joan Corominas and Jose Luis Pensado kept through their lexicographic works. This dialogue would substantially improve the Diccionario Crítico Etimológico de la Lengua Castellana (1954). Thus, not only did Pensado include comments on this latter dictionary, but numerous corrections as well, in the Prologue of Catálogo de Voces y Frases Gallegas (1973), which he edited. Corominas assessed them, accepting most of the corrections and he introduced them in his new dictionary, the Diccionario Crítico Etimológico Castellano e Hispánico (1980). This huge lexicographic work arises our interest since most of its macro- and microestructural enlargement is based on a massive inclusion of galician entries-thanks to the editorial work of Pensado, actually. In consequence, this presentation seeks, firstly, to reflect the importance and consequences of this fruitful dialogue and, secondly, to vindicate the figure of Jose Luis Pensado in the Diccionario Crítico Etimológico Castellano e Hispánico, as well as Corominas. appreciation and recognition of his philological authority and erudition. Finally, we expect to highlight the undeniable productivity of scientific dialogue in the field of lexicography, since, as in any specialized area, it plays an essential role in the advance of modern research.
Session 6. Historical and Scholarly Lexicography and Etymology
author = {Rosalía Cotelo García},
title = {Un diálogo implícito: la relación entre Joan Corominas y José Luis Pensado a través de su producción lexicográfica},
pages = {1097-1104},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th EURALEX International Congress},
year = {2008},
month = {jul},
date = {15-19},
address = {Barcelona, Spain},
editor = {Elisenda Bernal, Janet DeCesaris},
publisher = {Institut Universitari de Linguistica Aplicada, Universitat Pompeu Fabra},
isbn = {978-84-96742-67-3},