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9th Conference

IX EURALEX International Congress

Date: 8-12 August 2000
Held in: Stuttgart, Germany
Organizer: Institut für Maschinelle SprachverarbeitungUniversität Stuttgart
Head of the organizing committee: Ulrich Heid

“Contributions of Lexicography and Corpus Linguistics to a Theory of Language Performance”

Patrick HanksOxford, United Kingdom

“Wissen, Wissensrepräsentation und Printwörterbücher”

Herbert Ernst WiegandHeidelberg, Germany

“Computer Words in Our Everyday Lives: How are they interesting for terminography and lexicography?”

Ingrid MeyerOttawa, Canada
Ulrich Heid (chair)

Ulrich Heid

Stefan Evert

Egbert Lehmann

Christian Rohrer