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Designing and Building a Web-based Bilingual Dictionary of South African Sign Language and Afrikaans for Foundation Phase Learners at a School for the Deaf

By November 23, 2016,
Page 244-248
Author Hanelle Fourie Blair, Hanno Schreiber
Title Designing and Building a Web-based Bilingual Dictionary of South African Sign Language and Afrikaans for Foundation Phase Learners at a School for the Deaf
Abstract This software demonstration forms part of a more comprehensive theoretical framework in which a concept model for an electronic bilingual foundation phase dictionary of South African Sign Language and Afrikaans is proposed for a school for the Deaf in South Africa (Fourie 2013). The purpose of the proposed dictionary is to give learners of the school electronic access to written school word lists, with signs and examples in sign language displayed in video format – therefore in the form of an electronic dictionary. A written word list does not meet the needs of school learners in this case and a dictionary that is designed for the Deaf target users at the school will be of far greater value in the learners’ communication in both sign language and the written language. Certain components of the model can also be implemented by users other than the original target users, so that it may also be of use to the broader Deaf community, both in South Africa and internationally. The software that will be shown is a prototype used to demonstrate the practical implementation of the model mentioned above. It is the work of an honours degree student in computer science at Stellenbosch University.
Session Lexicography and Language Technologies
Keywords database; sign language; American sign language; South African sign Language; electronic dictionary; notation system; foundation phase learner; Australian sign language; sign parameter
author={Hanelle Fourie Blair, Hanno Schreiber},
title={Designing and Building a Web-based Bilingual Dictionary of South African Sign Language and Afrikaans for Foundation Phase Learners at a School for the Deaf},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th EURALEX International Congress},
address={Tbilisi, Georgia},
editor={Tinatin Margalitadze, George Meladze},
publisher={Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi University Press},