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French Specialised Medical Constructions: Lexicographic Treatment and Corpus Coverage in General and Specialised Dictionaries

By November 23, 2016,
Page 521-528
Author Ornella Wandji Tchami, Ulrich Heid, Natalia Grabar
Title French Specialised Medical Constructions: Lexicographic Treatment and Corpus Coverage in General and Specialised Dictionaries
Abstract The aim of this paper is to examine four French dictionaries: the on-line Larousse, the Petit Robert (2009), the Larousse Médical, and the TLFi, with regard to the way specialised verbal constructions (extracted from two medical subcorpora which are different according to the level of expertise of their author and readership) are described across the resources. According to our results, specialised verbal constructions are not given an important place in the queried resources, even in the medical dictionaries. Very few of the studied constructions are found in the analysed dictionaries, and those which are presented are not given a homogeneous and proper description.
Session Lexicography for Specialised Languages, Terminology and Terminography
Keywords verb argument structure; specialised verb usage; lexicography; terminography; corpus analysis; phraseology, preferred co-occurrence and collocation
author={Ornella Wandji Tchami, Ulrich Heid, Natalia Grabar},
title={French Specialised Medical Constructions: Lexicographic Treatment and Corpus Coverage in General and Specialised Dictionaries},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th EURALEX International Congress},
address={Tbilisi, Georgia},
editor={Tinatin Margalitadze, George Meladze},
publisher={Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi University Press},