L’analisi corpus-driven delle strutture essere + Preposizione in italiano. Costrutti grammaticali e variazione marcata del predicato

By November 17, 2016,
Page 1021-1027
Author Alessandro Panunzi
Title L’analisi corpus-driven delle strutture essere + Preposizione in italiano. Costrutti grammaticali e variazione marcata del predicato
Abstract Structures with shallow patterning "essere + Preposition" are used within a wide range of constructs with different meaning, which are often not well-distinguished within the lexicographic tradition. From the analysis on corpora which are representative of both written and spoken language, it emerges that several uses corresponding to the configuration "essere + Preposition" take place within a relevant distinction between periphrastic constructs, which carry grammatical values, and a variation of marked, secondary and idiosyncratic uses. Such a distinction is reflected by a different quantitative distribution of the two types, which is consistent across the written-spoken variation of language use, and therefore it can be considered as a proper feature of Italian. The corpus driven analysis of essere + Preposition shows several periphrastic constructs with grammatical values related to the expression of modal, temporal and aspectual traits.
author = {Alessandro Panunzi},
title = {L'analisi corpus-driven delle strutture essere + Preposizione in italiano. Costrutti grammaticali e variazione marcata del predicato },
pages = {1021-1027},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th EURALEX International Congress},
year = {2006},
month = {sep},
date = {6-9},
address = {Torino, Italy},
editor = {Elisa Corino, Carla Marello, Cristina Onesti},
publisher = {Edizioni dell'Orso},
isbn = {88-7694-918-6},