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Tagging early dictionaries with SGML by adapting the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines: Basnage de Bauval’s Dictionnaire Universel

By November 17, 2016,
Page 273-279
Author Agnes Tutin, Chantal Wionet
Title Tagging early dictionaries with SGML by adapting the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines: Basnage de Bauval’s Dictionnaire Universel
Abstract In this paper, we present an ongoing project of tagging early French dictionaries, Le dictionnaire Universel de Basnage de Bauval (1701) in order to build a lexical database which would enable fine-grained queries for linguistic and historical studies. The tagging model is SGML and as a tagset basis we chose to adopt the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines for print dictionaries. We show that in spite of numerous inconsistencies, computerizing Le dictionnaire Universel is a feasible task and exhibits many regularities in the text which can be partially automated with finite state automata. Applying a systematic grammar on the text renews the metalexicographic studies of early dictionaries.
Session PART 6 - Making Historical Dictionaries with the computer
author = {Agnes Tutin, Chantal Wionet},
title = {Tagging early dictionaries with SGML by adapting the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines: Basnage de Bauval’s Dictionnaire Universel},
pages = {273-279},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th EURALEX International Congress},
year = {2000},
month = {aug},
date = {8-12},
address = {Stuttgart, Germany},
editor = {Ulrich Heid, Stefan Evert, Egbert Lehmann, Christian Rohrer},
publisher = {Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung},
isbn = {3-00-006574-1},