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Tatar Co-compounds as a Special Type of Classifiers

By November 23, 2016,
Page 678-684
Author Alfiya Galieva, Dzhavdet Suleymanov
Title Tatar Co-compounds as a Special Type of Classifiers
Abstract The so called co-compounds, or dvandva constructions, exist in many languages as specific type of lexical items, nevertheless they are poorly described in lexicology. The paper analyses the semantics of Tatar co-compounds formed on the basis of names of natural phenomena. The main hypothesis of the study is that co-compounds are a special type of nomination used to designate provisional, non-rigid classes of objects in different situations. We study co-compounds proceeding from the assumption that there is no strict dichotomy between linguistic and encyclopedic knowledge and that there are no stable word meanings. Co-compounds as signs expressing concepts imply comparing properties of objects and phenomena by means of segregating some common features of these objects. Simultaneously the objects are differentiated by their properties and classified according to their similarities and differences, so co-compounds serve as a special type of classifiers. The analysis of the Tatar language data allows us to conclude that generalization of meanings, distinctive for co-compounds, can help overcome the discreteness of linguistic units and may lead to the overlap of different classes of phenomena with correlated or adjacent concepts. All the examples are taken from the Tatar National Corpus.
Session Lexicography and Semantic Theory
Keywords co-compounds; the Tatar language; semantics; lexical items
author={Alfiya Galieva, Dzhavdet Suleymanov},
title={Tatar Co-compounds as a Special Type of Classifiers},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th EURALEX International Congress},
address={Tbilisi, Georgia},
editor={Tinatin Margalitadze, George Meladze},
publisher={Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi University Press},