Euralex 1998 Part 2

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D/L No. Authors Title
001 Cover pages
002 Contents
003 PART 4 – The Dictionary-Making Process
004 Renata Blatná Lexico-grammatical Compound Units and their Elaboration in Dictionaries
005 Vincent J. Docherty, Ulrich Heid Computational Metalexicography in Practice – Corpus-based support for the revision of a commercial dictionary
006 Rosamund Moon On using spoken data in corpus lexicography
007 Liz Potter Setting a good example. What kind of examples best serve the users of learners’ dictionaries?
008 Agnes Tutin, Jean Véronis Electronic Dictionary Encoding: Customizing the TEI Guidelines
009 Serge Verlinde, Jean Binon, Jeanne Dancette Redéfinir la définition
010 PART 5 – Bilingual Lexicography
011 Jeanne Dancette Le potentiel du dictionnaire spécialisé bilingue électronique : viser la discursivité ou la formalisation des relations sémantiques ?
012 Petek Kurtböke Non-equivalence of delexicalised verbs in bilingual dictionaries
013 Leonard Newmark Reversing a One-Way Bilingual Dictionary
014 Georges Pilard Argot, slang et lexicographie bilingue
015 Richard Wakely The treatment of French reflexive verbs in bilingual dictionaries
016 PART 6 – Lexicographical and Lexicological Projects
017 Alessandra Corda, Vincenzo Lo Cascio, Massimiliano Pipolo Automatic Reversal of a Bilingual Dictionary: Implications for Lexicographic Work
018 Susanne Gahl Automatic Extraction of Subcategorization Frames for Corpus-based Dictionary-building
019 Sangsup Lee Compiling a Monolingual Learner’s Dictionary on Corpus Linguistic Principles: the Case of YLDCK
020 Anatoly Liberman What Can We Expect from a New Dictionary of English Etymology?
021 Lennart Lönngren A Swedish Associative Thesaurus
022 Tatiana Morchtchakova Conceptualizing the New Bilingual Dictionary of Legal Terms (Russian-English)
023 PART 7 – Terminology and Dictionaries
024 Lynne Bowker Variant terminology: frivolity or necessity?
025 Tanja Collet Transparence syntaxique et paradigme réductionnel du syntagme terminologique
026 Claudia Dobrina Going European: a Swedish terminological project in questions and answers
027 Marie-Claude L'Homme Caractérisation des combinaisons lexicales spécialisées par rapport aux collocations de langue générale
028 Ingrid Meyer, Victoria Zaluski, Kristen Mackintosh, Clara Foz Metaphorical Internet Terms in English and French
029 PART 8 – Dictionary Use
030 Richard J. Alexander Really spoilt for choice? Fixed expressions in learners’ dictionaries of English
031 Victoria Alsina, Janet DeCesaris Morphological structure and lexicographic definitions: The case of -ful and -like
032 Paul Bogaards Scanning long entries in learner’s dictionaries
033 Man Lai Amy Chi Teaching dictionary skills in the classroom
034 John Considine Why do large historical dictionaries give so much pleasure to their owners and users?
035 Véronique Doppagne Moving EFL Students to a Regular Use of the Learner’s Dictionary: carrot or stick approach?
036 Philippe Humblé The use of authentic, made-up and ‘controlled’ examples in foreign language dictionaries.
037 Virpi Kalliokuusi, Krista Varantola From general dictionaries to terminological glossaries. User expectations vs editorial aims
038 Don R. McCreary, Fredric Doležal Language Learners and Dictionary Users: Bibliographic Findings and Commentary
039 Linda C. Mitchell Pedagogical Practices of Lexicographers in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth- Century England
040 Thierry Selva, Thierry Chanier Apport de l’informatique pour l’accès lexical dans les dictionnaires pour apprenants : projet Alexia
041 PART 9 – Miscellaneous
042 Ingrid Meyer, Krista Varantola, Kristen Mackintosh From Virtual Sex to Virtual Dictionaries: On the Analysis and Description of a De-terminologized Word
043 Piet Swanepoel Back to basics: prepositions, schema theory, and the explanatory function of the dictionary
044 List of Contributors
045 Acknowledgements