Euralex 2000

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D/L No. Authors Title
000 Contents
001 PART 1 – Plenary Papers
002 Patrick Hanks Contributions of Lexicography and Corpus Linguistics to a Theory of Language Performance
003 Herbert Ernst Wiegand Wissen, Wissensrepräsentation und Printwörterbücher
004 Ingrid Meyer Computer Words in Our Everyday Lives: How are they interesting for terminography and lexicography?
005 PART 2 – Internet Lexicography
006 Susan Armstrong, Colin Brace, Dominique Petitpierre, Gilbert Robert, Derek Walker DicoPro: An Online Dictionary Consultation Tool for Language Professionals
007 Vincent J. Docherty Dictionaries on the Internet: an Overview
008 Dirk Geeraerts Adding Electronic Value. The electronic version of the Grote Van Dale
009 Andrew Harley Cambridge Dictionaries Online
010 Henrik Køhler Simonsen Design, Development and Compilation of a bilingual multifunctional Intranet-based Differential Telecom Lexinome at a major Danish Telecoms Group
011 Sonja Müller-Landmann Design eines Internet-Lexikons zwischen Recherche und Rezeption
012 Giovanna Turrini, Alessandro Paccosi, Laura Cignoni Combining the Children’s Dictionary Addizionario with a Multimedia Activity Book
013 PART 3 – Corpora, Tools and NLP Dictionaries
014 Nancy Ide, Adam Kilgarriff, Laurent Romary A Formal Model of Dictionary Structure and Content
015 Jan Koček, Marie Schmiedtová, Vera Kopřivová The Czech National Corpus
016 Wolfgang Lezius, Stefanie Dipper, Arne Fitschen IMSLex – Representing Morphological and Syntactic Information in a Relational Database
017 Catherine MacLeod, Ralph Grishman The Influence of Corpora on Lexicons: Corpora Use in the Creation of COMLEX Syntax and NOMLEX
018 Pavel Rychlý GCQP – Multiplatform Graphical User Interface to the CQP corpus manager
019 Doug Skuce Documents and Knowledge Bases: Engagement Should Lead to Marriage
020 PART 4 – Corpus-based Dictionary Making
021 Willem Botha We all stand together, don’t we? – African renaissance through dictionaries
022 Miriam Corris, Christopher Manning, Susan Poetsch, Jane Simpson Bilingual Dictionaries for Australian Languages: User studies on the place of paper and electronic dictionaries
023 Ulrich Heid, Wolfgang Worsch, Stefan Evert, Vincent Docherty, Matthias Wermke Computational linguistic tools for semi-automatic corpus-based updating of dictionaries
024 Gilles-Maurice de Schryver, Daan J. Prinsloo Dictionary-Making Process with ’Simultaneous Feedback’ from the Target Users to the Compilers
025 PART 5 – Dictionary Making: Special Types of Information
026 Patrick Hanks, Kenneth D. Tucker Two Projects in Onomastic Lexicography
027 Gerardo Sierra The onomasiological dictionary: a gap in lexicography
028 Włodzimierz Sobkowiak Phonetic Keywords in Learner’s dictionaries
029 PART 6 – Making Historical Dictionaries with the computer
030 Júlia Pajzs Making Historical Dictionaries by Computer
031 Susan Rennie Mackillop Encoding a Historical Dictionary with the TEI (With reference to the Electronic Scottish National Dictionary Project)
032 Agnes Tutin, Chantal Wionet Tagging early dictionaries with SGML by adapting the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines: Basnage de Bauval’s Dictionnaire Universel
033 PART 7 – New Approaches to Terminography
034 Marie-Jeanne Derouin, André Le Meur European Co-operation in standardisation of lexicographical resources and merging of existing specialised dictionaries for Internet purposes
035 Milica Gačić Aspects of Bilingual English – Croatian Lexicography in the Legal and Criminal Justice Field
036 Isa Maks, Willy Martin, Inger Groesz The DOT project: Data and Datastructures for a Bank of Governmental Terminology
037 Felix Mayer Terminologie- und rechtsvergleichende Wörterbücher: Methoden und Schwierigkeiten eines terminographischen Ansatzes
038 Alia Taissina Erstellen eines deutsch-russischen Lexikons der Kirchensprache. Ein lexikographisches Projekt
039 Daniela Zappatore, Pius ten Hacken Word Manager and Banking Terminology: Industrial Application of a General System
040 PART 8 – Extraction of terminologically relevant multiword expressions
041 Gaël Dias, Sylvie Guilloré, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes Benefiting from Multidomain Corpora to Extract Terminologically Relevant Multiword Lexical Units
042 Thierry Fontenelle Extracting Phraseology for Content Analysis and Document Retrieval
043 Brigitte Krenn Empirical Implications on Lexical Association Measures
044 Ruben Urizar, N. Ezeiza, I. Alegria Morphosyntactic structure of terms in Basque for automatic terminology extraction
045 PART 9 – Dictionary Use
046 Reinhard Hartmann European Dictionary Culture. The Exeter Case Study of Dictionary Use among University Students, against the Wider Context of the Reports and Recommendations of the Thematic Network Project in the Area of Languages (1996-1999)
047 Virpi Kalliokuusi, Krista Varantola User-Sensitive Lexical Databases: A case of lexical knowledge management
048 Piet Swanepoel Providing lexicographic support for SL vocabulary acquisition: What kind, under what conditions, for whom, and why?
049 Geart van der Meer Core, subsense and the New Oxford Dictionary of English (NODE). On how meanings hang together, and not separately
050 PART 10 – Teaching Lexicography
051 María Paz Battaner, Victòria Alsina, Janet DeCesaris The Information in General Purpose Language Dictionaries
052 Tamás Magay Teaching Lexicography
053 Rita Temmermann Training Terminographers: the Sociocognitive Approach
054 PART 11 – Approaches to Lexical Combinatorics
055 Margarita Alonso Ramos Critères heuristiques pour l’encodage des collocations au moyen de fonctions lexicales
056 Anna Braasch, Sussi Olsen Formalised Representation of Collocations in a Danish Computational Lexicon
057 František Čermák Combination, Collocation and Multi-Word Units
058 Marie-Claude L'Homme, Claudine Bertrand Specialized Lexical Combinations: Should they be described as Collocations or in Terms of Selectional Restrictions?
059 Rosamund Moon Phraseology and early English dictionaries: the growth of tradition
060 Alain Polguere Towards a theoretically-motivated general public dictionary of semantic derivations and collocations for French
061 Dieter Seelbach Zur Verwendung und Übersetzung von Prädikatsausdrücken im Rahmen der Lexikongrammatik
062 PART 12 – Lexicographic Issues in Combinatorics
063 Laura Cignoni, Stephen Coffey A Corpus Study of Italian Proverbs: implications for lexicographical description
064 Dmitrij Dobrovolskij Syntaktische Modifizierbarkeit von Idiomen aus lexikographischer Perspektive
065 Jarmo Korhonen Idiome und Sprichwörter in der deutsch-finnischen Lexikografie
066 Brigitta Mittmann A method for finding and assessing differences in lexical clusters and cluster frequencies between spoken British and American English
067 Lineke Oppentocht Editing multiple idiomatic phraseological units for book and CD-ROM
068 PART 13 – Linguistic Description in Dictionaries: Morphology and Syntax
069 Cecilio Garriga, María Bargalló Gramáticas y diccionarios: el régimen del adjetivo
070 Tanja Gaustad Extraktion und Verifikation von Subkategorisierungsmustern für französische Verben
071 Wolfgang Lezius Morphy – German Morphology, Part-of-Speech Tagging and Applications
072 Anke Lüdeling Particle Verbs in NLP lexicons
073 Petek Kurtböke Morphological Parsing, the Mental Lexicon and the Dictionary
074 PART 14 – Linguistic Description in Dictionaries: Semantics
075 Eneko Agirre, Olatz Ansa, Xabier Arregi, Xabier Artola, Arantza Díaz De Ilarraza, Mikel Lersundi, David Martínez, Kepa Sarasola, Ruben Urizar Extraction of semantic relations from a Basque monolingual dictionary using Constraint Grammar
076 Toni Badia, Roser Saurí Towards a filtering of the relevant semantic information from MRDs
077 Luisa Bentivogli, Emanuele Pianta Looking for lexical gaps
078 Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld An outline of Norwegian Lexical Database (LDB) and its classification of adjectives
079 Sanni Nimb, Bolette Sandford Pedersen Treating Metaphoric Senses in a Danish Computational Lexicon –Different cases of regular polysemy
080 Kristel Proost, Daniel Glatz Semantic and syntactic properties of verbs of communication
081 Ålov Runde A semantic-pragmatic description of some Norwegian control verbs. A discussion of the classification of their English counterparts in WordNet
082 PART 15 – Lexicological Phenomena of Lexicographical Relevance
083 Khurshid Ahmad Neologisms, Nonces and Word Formation
084 Renata Blatná The Proliferation of the English -ing in the Czech Vocabulary
085 Barbara Epple Sexismus in Wörterbüchern
086 Ivan Kassabov The Universal Dictionary and Models of Meaning
087 Nancy Vázquez Veiga Los marcadores discursivos en el Diccionario de colocaciones y marcadores del español
088 Andrejs Veisbergs Euphemisms in General (Monolingual and Bilingual) Dictionaries
089 PART 16 – Models for Bilingual Dictionaries
090 Willy Martin, Rufus Gouws A new dictionary model for closely related languages: The Dutch-Afrikaans dictionary project as a case-in-point
091 Yoshiaki Otani The Recent Development of Compact English-Japanese Dictionaries, Printed and Electronic: A New Genre
092 Hana Skoumalová BRIDGE dictionaries
093 PART 17 – Bilingual Learners’ Dictionaries
094 Andrea Abel, Vanessa Weber ELDIT – A Prototype of an Innovative Dictionary
095 Irina V. Fedorova, Marina N. Kozyreva A New English – Russian Learner’s Dictionary: From Reception to Production
096 Lionel Kernerman Pedagogic Lexicography: Some recent Advances and some Questions about the Future
097 Mark Van Mol The development of a new learner’s dictionary for Modern Standard Arabic: the linguistic corpus approach
098 PART 18 – AILA-Workshop: Electronic Dictionaries in Second Language Comprehension
099 Hilary Nesi Electronic Dictionaries in Second Language Vocabulary Comprehension and Acquisition: the State of the Art
100 Batia Laufer Electronic dictionaries and incidental vocabulary acquisition: does technology make a difference?
101 Yukio Tono On the Effects of Different Types of Electronic Dictionary Interfaces on L2 Learners’ Reference Behaviour in Productive/Receptive Tasks
102 Hiroaki Sato Multi-Functional Software for Electronic Dictionaries
103 Pete Whitelock, Philip Edmonds The Sharp Intelligent Dictionary
104 Cover Pages Vol 1
105 Cover Pages Vol 2