D/L |
No. |
Authors |
Title |
000 |
Tinatin Margalitadze, George Meladze |
Front matter |
001 |
Jost Gippert |
Complex Morphology and its Impact on Lexicology: the Kartvelian Case |
002 |
Patrick Hanks |
Three Kinds of Semantic Resonance |
003 |
Robert Ilson |
Why Dictionaries are no Better Than They are – and no Worse |
004 |
Pius ten Hacken |
Bilingual Dictionaries and Theories of Word Meaning |
005 |
Geoffrey Williams |
In Praise of Lexicography, and Lexicographers |
006 |
Sturla Berg-Olsen |
Descriptive and Prescriptive Lexicography in the Norwegian Context |
007 |
Monika Biesaga |
Pictorial Illustration in Dictionaries The State of Theoretical Art |
008 |
Theo J.D. Bothma, Rufus H. Gouws, Danie J. Prinsloo |
The Role of E-lexicography in the Confirmation of Lexicography as an Independent and Multidisciplinary Field |
009 |
Ellert Thor Johannsson, Simonetta Battista |
Editing and Presenting Complex Source Material in an Online Dictionary: The Case of ONP |
010 |
Elizaveta Kotorova |
Dictionary for a Minority Language: the Case of Ket |
011 |
Henrik Lorentzen, Lars Trap-Jensen |
What, When and How? – the Art of Updating an Online Dictionary |
012 |
Silvia Verdiani |
Definizioni illustrate. La selezione di un repertorio di immagini per migliorare la trasparenza semantica delle voci del dizionario di apprendimento Tedesco Junior |
013 |
Jaka Čibej, Vojko Gorjanc, Damjan Popič |
Analysing Translators’ Language Problems (and Solutions) Through User-generated Content |
014 |
Zoe Gavriilidou, Stavroula Mavrommatidou |
Construction of a Tool for the Identification of Electronic Dictionary Users’ Skills: Test Specification and Content Validity |
015 |
Špela Arhar Holdt, Iztok Kosem, Polona Gantar |
Dictionary User Typology: The Slovenian Case |
016 |
Liam Mac Amhlaigh |
Lexicographical Resources Assisting Vocabulary-building: an Irish-language Experience |
017 |
Carla Marello |
A Modest Proposal for Preventing E-dictionaries from Being a Burden to Teachers and for Making Them Beneficial to the Public |
018 |
Osamu Matsumoto |
Examining the Effectiveness of Dictionary Instruction on Meaning Determination of Polysemous Words |
019 |
Michele F. van der Merwe |
Integrating a LSP Dictionary via Mobile Assisted Language Learning in a Multilingual University Setting |
020 |
Valentina Apresjan, Nikolai Mikulin |
Dictionary as an Instrument of Linguistic Research |
021 |
Sandro Cirulli |
API-Powered Dictionary Websites |
022 |
Amelie Dorn, Alina Villalva, Voula Giouli, Wiebke Blanck, Kira Kovalenko, Eveline Wandl-Vogt |
Displaying Language Diversity on the European Dictionary Portal – COST ENeL – Case Study on Colours and Emotions and their Cultural References |
023 |
Hanelle Fourie Blair, Hanno Schreiber |
Designing and Building a Web-based Bilingual Dictionary of South African Sign Language and Afrikaans for Foundation Phase Learners at a School for the Deaf |
024 |
Anastasiya Lopukhina, Konstantin Lopukhin, Boris Iomdin, Grigory Nosyrev |
The Taming of the Polysemy: Automated Word Sense Frequency Estimation for Lexicographic Purposes |
025 |
Tamar Makharoblidze, George Mirianashvili |
GESL Vocabulary and Innovation Technologies |
026 |
Marko Orešković, Juraj Benić, Mario Essert |
The Network Integrator of Croatian Lexicographical Resources |
027 |
Marko Orešković, Mirko Čubrilo, Mario Essert |
The Development of a Network Thesaurus with Morpho-semantic Word Markups |
028 |
Marko Orešković, Jakov Topić, Mario Essert |
Croatian Linguistic System Modules Overview |
029 |
Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Roberto Barbera, Giuseppe La Rocca, Antonio Calanducci, Carla Carrubba, Giuseppina Inserra, Tibor Kalman, Gergely Sipos, Zoltan Farkas, Davor Davidović |
Furthering the Exploration of Language Diversity and Pan-European Culture: The DARIAH-CC Science Gateway for Lexicographers |
030 |
Valentina Apresjan, Vít Baisa, Olga Buivolova, Olga Kultepina, Anna Maloletnjaja |
RuSkELL: Online Language Learning Tool for Russian Language |
031 |
Marina Beridze, David Nadaraia |
Lexicographic Potential of the Georgian Dialect Corpus |
032 |
Silvie Cinková, Ema Krejčová, Anna Vernerová, Vít Baisa |
What Do Graded Decisions Tell Us about Verb Uses |
033 |
Sophiko Daraselia, Serge Sharoff |
Enriching Georgian Dictionary Entries with Frequency Information |
034 |
Nino Doborjginidze, Irina Lobzhanidze |
Corpus of the Georgian Language |
035 |
Hanne Martine Eckhoff, Aleksandrs Berdičevskis |
From Diachronic Treebank to Dictionary Resource: the Varangian Rus Project |
036 |
Alfiya Galieva, Olga Nevzorova |
Semantic Annotation of Verbs for the Tatar Corpus |
037 |
Guzel Gizatova |
A Corpus-based Approach to Lexicography: Towards a Thesaurus of English Idioms |
038 |
Sylvain Hatier, Magdalena Augustyn, Thi Thu Hoai Tran, Rui Yan, Agnès Tutin, Marie-Paule Jacques |
French Cross-disciplinary Scientific Lexicon: Extraction and Linguistic Analysis |
039 |
Mariusz Kamiński |
Corpus-based Extraction of Collocations for Near-Synonym Discrimination |
040 |
Jadwiga Linde-Usiekniewicz, Paweł Rutkowski |
The Division into Parts of Speech in the Corpus-based Dictionary of Polish Sign Language |
041 |
Kilim Nam, Soojin Lee, Hae-Yun Jung, Jun Choi |
The Life and Death of Neologisms: On What Basis Shall We Include Neologisms in the Dictionary? |
042 |
Dmitri Sitchinava |
Parallel corpora as a source of defining language-specific lexical items |
043 |
Kathrin Steyer, Katrin Hein |
Nach Belieben kombinieren? Korpusbasierte Beschreibung präpositionaler Mehrworteinheiten im Sprachvergleich |
044 |
Vít Baisa, Sara Može, Irene Renau |
Multilingual CPA: Linking Verb Patterns across Languages |
045 |
Наира Бепиева, Нино Попиашвили |
Идиомы в грузино-осетинском и осетино-грузинском словаре |
046 |
Pierre Fournier |
L’Accentuation des Emprunts Français dans les Dictionnaires Anglais de Prononciation |
047 |
Yuri Komuro, Saeko Nagashima |
Problems with the Description of Words Relating to Gender and Sexuality in English-Japanese Learner’sDictionaries |
048 |
Ramaz Kurdadze, Maia Lomia, Ketevan Margiani |
Theoretical Aspects of Rendering Kartvelian Verb Stems in the Georgian-Megrelian-Laz-Svan-English Dictionary |
049 |
Munzhedzi James Mafela |
Reflecting on Grammar Information in Some Tshivenḓa Bilingual Dictionaries: A Challenge to Vhavenḓa Lexicographers |
050 |
Peter Meyer |
The wdlpOst Toolset for Creating Historical Loanword Dictionaries |
051 |
Russudan Sekalashvili |
Spezifik der Darstellung von Verben in georgisch-deutschen Wörterbüchern |
052 |
Gulshat Safiullina |
Bilingual Lexicography in the Republic of Tatarstan in 1990-2010 |
053 |
Miriam Buendía Castro, Beatriz Sánchez Cárdenas |
Using Argument Structure to Disambiguate Verb Meaning |
054 |
Pamela Faber, Arianne Reimerink, Pilar León-Araúz |
Encoding Context in Bilingual Specialized Dictionaries |
055 |
Pamela Faber, Pilar León-Araúz |
Bridging the Gap between Description and Standardization: a Frame-based Version of NATO Glossaries |
056 |
Thierry Fontenelle |
Aspects Lexicaux d’une Langue Inventée: la Langue des Schtroumpfs |
057 |
Ornella Wandji Tchami, Ulrich Heid, Natalia Grabar |
French Specialised Medical Constructions: Lexicographic Treatment and Corpus Coverage in General and Specialised Dictionaries |
058 |
Renáta Panocová |
A Descriptive Approach to Medical English Vocabulary |
059 |
Людмила Рычкова |
Социопрагматический аспект лексикографирования специальной лексики |
060 |
Elsabé Taljard |
Collocational Information for Terminological Purposes |
061 |
Manuel Barbera |
Wanderworten Etymological Format: a ‘Hemp’ Case Study, Starting from Votic and Baltofinnic |
062 |
Kseniya Egorova |
The Russian Contributions to the English Language: a Case of OED Record |
063 |
Stefan Engelberg, Christine Möhrs |
Lexicography of Language Contact: An Internet Dictionary of Words of German Origin in Tok Pisin |
064 |
Kira Kovalenko |
The Word Entry Structure of the Russian Manuscript Lexicons: Evolution through the Centuries |
065 |
Iris Metsmägi, Vilja Oja |
Diachronic Analysis of Word Formation as Basic Studies for Etymologisation |
066 |
Kusujiro Miyoshi |
Reconsidering the Initial Development of the Dictionaries of Americanisms: Pickering’s Legacy in Bartlett’s Dictionary (1849) |
067 |
Vilja Oja |
Etymological Studies Based on a Conceptual Framework |
068 |
Margherita Quaglino |
The Da Vinci Codices. Between Historical Lexicography and Knowledges History |
069 |
Thomas Troelsgård, Marita Akhøj Nielsen |
Moth’s Danish Dictionary Publishing a Dictionary with a 300-year Delay |
070 |
Tim van Niekerk, Heike Stadler, Ulrich Heid |
Enabling Selective Queries and Adapting Data Display in the Electronic Version of a Historical Dictionary |
071 |
Geoffrey Williams, Ioana Galleron |
Digitizing the Second Edition of Furetière’s Dictionnaire Universel: Challenges of Representing Complex Historical Dictionary Data Using the TEI |
072 |
Thierry Declerck, Amelie Dorn, Eveline Wandl-Vogt |
Adding Polarity Information to Entries of the Database of Bavarian Dialects in Austria |
073 |
Thierry Declerck, Karlheinz Mörth |
Towards a Sense-based Access to Related Online Lexical Resources |
074 |
Dmitrij Dobrovol’skij, Ludmila Pöppel |
Discursive Constructions in the Russian-Swedish Dictionary Database: A Case Study of v tom-to i N |
075 |
Alfiya Galieva, Dzhavdet Suleymanov |
Tatar Co-compounds as a Special Type of Classifiers |
076 |
Larisa Grčić Simeunović, Paula de Santiago Gonzalez |
Semantic Approach to Phraseological Patterns in Karstology |
077 |
Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk |
Displacement of Senses, Cluster Equivalence and Bilingual Dictionaries |
078 |
Maria Tuulik, Margit Langemets |
Systematic Polysemy of Estonian Colour Adjectives |
079 |
Irina Lobzhanidze |
Online Dictionary of Idioms |
080 |
Renáta Neprašová |
On Distinction between Phraseology Conceptions in a General Monolingual Dictionary and in a Special Phraseological Dictionary |
081 |
Katie Ní Loingsigh, Brian Ó Raghallaigh |
Starting from Scratch – The Creation of an Irish-language Idiom Database |
082 |
Adriane Orenha-Ottaiano |
The Compilation of a Printed and Online Corpus-based Bilingual Collocations Dictionary |
083 |
Marilei Amadeu Sabino |
False Cognates and Deceptive Cognates: Issues to Build Special Dictionaries |
084 |
Arleta Adamska-Sałaciak |
On bullying, mobbing (and harassment) in English and Polish: Foreign-language-based Lexical Innovation in a Bilingual Dictionary |
085 |
Donna M. T. Cr. Farina |
Lexical Change in Times of Upheaval and War – And the Dictionary |
086 |
Irina Levontina |
Lexicalized Prosody and the Polysemy of some Discourse Particles in ADR |
087 |
Tinatin Margalitadze, George Meladze |
Importance of the Issue of Partial Equivalence for Bilingual Lexicography and Language Teaching |
088 |
Innes Merabishvili |
Towards the Meaning of a Word |
089 |
Maria Pober, Ingeborg Geyer, Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Barbara Piringer |
Von vielrednerischen Weibern und alles erforschenden Männern – Genderasymmetrien in der Datenbank der bairischen Mundarten in Österreich (DBÖ) im Vergleich mit Großwörterbüchern der Gegenwart |
090 |
Irene Renau, Rogelio Nazar |
Automatic Extraction of Lexical Patterns from Corpora |
091 |
Maria Shvedova, Dmitri Sitchinava |
Basic Russian Dictionary: a Corpora-Based Learner’s Dictionary of Russian |
092 |
Alexandra Anna Spalek, Marco Del Tredici |
Automatically Identifying Selectional Restrictions of Predicates: A Computational Methodology for Practical Lexicography that Challenges Linguistic Theory |
093 |
Geoffrey Williams, Araceli Alonso, Janet DeCesaris, Ioana Galleron, Chris Mulhall |
Paysage: Lexical Variation in the Lexis of Landscape in Romance Dictionaries |
094 |
Maria Aldea |
Un Projet Accompli: le Lexicon de Buda (1825) en Édition Électronique |
095 |
Marina Andrazashvili |
Von einem Orthographischen Wörterbuch georgischer Äquivalente deutscher Toponyme bis zum Kulturgeographischen Lexikon Deutschlands |
096 |
Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld, Arash Saidi |
On Compiling a Norwegian Academic Vocabulary List |
097 |
Václava Kettnerová, Petra Barančíková, Markéta Lopatková |
Lexicographic Description of Czech Complex Predicates: Between Lexicon and Grammar |
098 |
Tiina Leemets, Maire Raadik |
An Interactive Solution: a Grammar Handbook Linked to a Prescriptive Dictionary |
099 |
David Lindemann, Iñaki San Vicente |
Bilingual Dictionary Drafting: Connecting Basque Word Senses to Multilingual Equivalents |
100 |
Christine Möhrs |
Online Bibliography of Electronic Lexicography. The Project OBELEXMeta |
101 |
Michal Škrabal |
Straddling the Boundaries of Traditional and Corpus-Based Lexicography: A Latvian-Czech Dictionary |
102 |
Monica von Martens, Louise Holmer |
The SWEGOT Lexical Resources Framework |