Euralex 2016

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Margalitadze, Tinatin & Meladze, George (eds.), 2016. Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX International Congress: Lexicography and Linguistic Diversity. Tbilisi: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. 918 pp.
D/L No. Authors Title
000 Tinatin Margalitadze, George Meladze Front matter
001 Jost Gippert Complex Morphology and its Impact on Lexicology: the Kartvelian Case
002 Patrick Hanks Three Kinds of Semantic Resonance
003 Robert Ilson Why Dictionaries are no Better Than They are – and no Worse
004 Pius ten Hacken Bilingual Dictionaries and Theories of Word Meaning
005 Geoffrey Williams In Praise of Lexicography, and Lexicographers
006 Sturla Berg-Olsen Descriptive and Prescriptive Lexicography in the Norwegian Context
007 Monika Biesaga Pictorial Illustration in Dictionaries The State of Theoretical Art
008 Theo J.D. Bothma, Rufus H. Gouws, Danie J. Prinsloo The Role of E-lexicography in the Confirmation of Lexicography as an Independent and Multidisciplinary Field
009 Ellert Thor Johannsson, Simonetta Battista Editing and Presenting Complex Source Material in an Online Dictionary: The Case of ONP
010 Elizaveta Kotorova Dictionary for a Minority Language: the Case of Ket
011 Henrik Lorentzen, Lars Trap-Jensen What, When and How? – the Art of Updating an Online Dictionary
012 Silvia Verdiani Definizioni illustrate. La selezione di un repertorio di immagini per migliorare la trasparenza semantica delle voci del dizionario di apprendimento Tedesco Junior
013 Jaka Čibej, Vojko Gorjanc, Damjan Popič Analysing Translators’ Language Problems (and Solutions) Through User-generated Content
014 Zoe Gavriilidou, Stavroula Mavrommatidou Construction of a Tool for the Identification of Electronic Dictionary Users’ Skills: Test Specification and Content Validity
015 Špela Arhar Holdt, Iztok Kosem, Polona Gantar Dictionary User Typology: The Slovenian Case
016 Liam Mac Amhlaigh Lexicographical Resources Assisting Vocabulary-building: an Irish-language Experience
017 Carla Marello A Modest Proposal for Preventing E-dictionaries from Being a Burden to Teachers and for Making Them Beneficial to the Public
018 Osamu Matsumoto Examining the Effectiveness of Dictionary Instruction on Meaning Determination of Polysemous Words
019 Michele F. van der Merwe Integrating a LSP Dictionary via Mobile Assisted Language Learning in a Multilingual University Setting
020 Valentina Apresjan, Nikolai Mikulin Dictionary as an Instrument of Linguistic Research
021 Sandro Cirulli API-Powered Dictionary Websites
022 Amelie Dorn, Alina Villalva, Voula Giouli, Wiebke Blanck, Kira Kovalenko, Eveline Wandl-Vogt Displaying Language Diversity on the European Dictionary Portal – COST ENeL – Case Study on Colours and Emotions and their Cultural References
023 Hanelle Fourie Blair, Hanno Schreiber Designing and Building a Web-based Bilingual Dictionary of South African Sign Language and Afrikaans for Foundation Phase Learners at a School for the Deaf
024 Anastasiya Lopukhina, Konstantin Lopukhin, Boris Iomdin, Grigory Nosyrev The Taming of the Polysemy: Automated Word Sense Frequency Estimation for Lexicographic Purposes
025 Tamar Makharoblidze, George Mirianashvili GESL Vocabulary and Innovation Technologies
026 Marko Orešković, Juraj Benić, Mario Essert The Network Integrator of Croatian Lexicographical Resources
027 Marko Orešković, Mirko Čubrilo, Mario Essert The Development of a Network Thesaurus with Morpho-semantic Word Markups
028 Marko Orešković, Jakov Topić, Mario Essert Croatian Linguistic System Modules Overview
029 Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Roberto Barbera, Giuseppe La Rocca, Antonio Calanducci, Carla Carrubba, Giuseppina Inserra, Tibor Kalman, Gergely Sipos, Zoltan Farkas, Davor Davidović Furthering the Exploration of Language Diversity and Pan-European Culture: The DARIAH-CC Science Gateway for Lexicographers
030 Valentina Apresjan, Vít Baisa, Olga Buivolova, Olga Kultepina, Anna Maloletnjaja RuSkELL: Online Language Learning Tool for Russian Language
031 Marina Beridze, David Nadaraia Lexicographic Potential of the Georgian Dialect Corpus
032 Silvie Cinková, Ema Krejčová, Anna Vernerová, Vít Baisa What Do Graded Decisions Tell Us about Verb Uses
033 Sophiko Daraselia, Serge Sharoff Enriching Georgian Dictionary Entries with Frequency Information
034 Nino Doborjginidze, Irina Lobzhanidze Corpus of the Georgian Language
035 Hanne Martine Eckhoff, Aleksandrs Berdičevskis From Diachronic Treebank to Dictionary Resource: the Varangian Rus Project
036 Alfiya Galieva, Olga Nevzorova Semantic Annotation of Verbs for the Tatar Corpus
037 Guzel Gizatova A Corpus-based Approach to Lexicography: Towards a Thesaurus of English Idioms
038 Sylvain Hatier, Magdalena Augustyn, Thi Thu Hoai Tran, Rui Yan, Agnès Tutin, Marie-Paule Jacques French Cross-disciplinary Scientific Lexicon: Extraction and Linguistic Analysis
039 Mariusz Kamiński Corpus-based Extraction of Collocations for Near-Synonym Discrimination
040 Jadwiga Linde-Usiekniewicz, Paweł Rutkowski The Division into Parts of Speech in the Corpus-based Dictionary of Polish Sign Language
041 Kilim Nam, Soojin Lee, Hae-Yun Jung, Jun Choi The Life and Death of Neologisms: On What Basis Shall We Include Neologisms in the Dictionary?
042 Dmitri Sitchinava Parallel corpora as a source of defining language-specific lexical items
043 Kathrin Steyer, Katrin Hein Nach Belieben kombinieren? Korpusbasierte Beschreibung präpositionaler Mehrworteinheiten im Sprachvergleich
044 Vít Baisa, Sara Može, Irene Renau Multilingual CPA: Linking Verb Patterns across Languages
045 Наира Бепиева, Нино Попиашвили Идиомы в грузино-осетинском и осетино-грузинском словаре
046 Pierre Fournier L’Accentuation des Emprunts Français dans les Dictionnaires Anglais de Prononciation
047 Yuri Komuro, Saeko Nagashima Problems with the Description of Words Relating to Gender and Sexuality in English-Japanese Learner’sDictionaries
048 Ramaz Kurdadze, Maia Lomia, Ketevan Margiani Theoretical Aspects of Rendering Kartvelian Verb Stems in the Georgian-Megrelian-Laz-Svan-English Dictionary
049 Munzhedzi James Mafela Reflecting on Grammar Information in Some Tshivenḓa Bilingual Dictionaries: A Challenge to Vhavenḓa Lexicographers
050 Peter Meyer The wdlpOst Toolset for Creating Historical Loanword Dictionaries
051 Russudan Sekalashvili Spezifik der Darstellung von Verben in georgisch-deutschen Wörterbüchern
052 Gulshat Safiullina Bilingual Lexicography in the Republic of Tatarstan in 1990-2010
053 Miriam Buendía Castro, Beatriz Sánchez Cárdenas Using Argument Structure to Disambiguate Verb Meaning
054 Pamela Faber, Arianne Reimerink, Pilar León-Araúz Encoding Context in Bilingual Specialized Dictionaries
055 Pamela Faber, Pilar León-Araúz Bridging the Gap between Description and Standardization: a Frame-based Version of NATO Glossaries
056 Thierry Fontenelle Aspects Lexicaux d’une Langue Inventée: la Langue des Schtroumpfs
057 Ornella Wandji Tchami, Ulrich Heid, Natalia Grabar French Specialised Medical Constructions: Lexicographic Treatment and Corpus Coverage in General and Specialised Dictionaries
058 Renáta Panocová A Descriptive Approach to Medical English Vocabulary
059 Людмила Рычкова Социопрагматический аспект лексикографирования специальной лексики
060 Elsabé Taljard Collocational Information for Terminological Purposes
061 Manuel Barbera Wanderworten Etymological Format: a ‘Hemp’ Case Study, Starting from Votic and Baltofinnic
062 Kseniya Egorova The Russian Contributions to the English Language: a Case of OED Record
063 Stefan Engelberg, Christine Möhrs Lexicography of Language Contact: An Internet Dictionary of Words of German Origin in Tok Pisin
064 Kira Kovalenko The Word Entry Structure of the Russian Manuscript Lexicons: Evolution through the Centuries
065 Iris Metsmägi, Vilja Oja Diachronic Analysis of Word Formation as Basic Studies for Etymologisation
066 Kusujiro Miyoshi Reconsidering the Initial Development of the Dictionaries of Americanisms: Pickering’s Legacy in Bartlett’s Dictionary (1849)
067 Vilja Oja Etymological Studies Based on a Conceptual Framework
068 Margherita Quaglino The Da Vinci Codices. Between Historical Lexicography and Knowledges History
069 Thomas Troelsgård, Marita Akhøj Nielsen Moth’s Danish Dictionary Publishing a Dictionary with a 300-year Delay
070 Tim van Niekerk, Heike Stadler, Ulrich Heid Enabling Selective Queries and Adapting Data Display in the Electronic Version of a Historical Dictionary
071 Geoffrey Williams, Ioana Galleron Digitizing the Second Edition of Furetière’s Dictionnaire Universel: Challenges of Representing Complex Historical Dictionary Data Using the TEI
072 Thierry Declerck, Amelie Dorn, Eveline Wandl-Vogt Adding Polarity Information to Entries of the Database of Bavarian Dialects in Austria
073 Thierry Declerck, Karlheinz Mörth Towards a Sense-based Access to Related Online Lexical Resources
074 Dmitrij Dobrovol’skij, Ludmila Pöppel Discursive Constructions in the Russian-Swedish Dictionary Database: A Case Study of v tom-to i N
075 Alfiya Galieva, Dzhavdet Suleymanov Tatar Co-compounds as a Special Type of Classifiers
076 Larisa Grčić Simeunović, Paula de Santiago Gonzalez Semantic Approach to Phraseological Patterns in Karstology
077 Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk Displacement of Senses, Cluster Equivalence and Bilingual Dictionaries
078 Maria Tuulik, Margit Langemets Systematic Polysemy of Estonian Colour Adjectives
079 Irina Lobzhanidze Online Dictionary of Idioms
080 Renáta Neprašová On Distinction between Phraseology Conceptions in a General Monolingual Dictionary and in a Special Phraseological Dictionary
081 Katie Ní Loingsigh, Brian Ó Raghallaigh Starting from Scratch – The Creation of an Irish-language Idiom Database
082 Adriane Orenha-Ottaiano The Compilation of a Printed and Online Corpus-based Bilingual Collocations Dictionary
083 Marilei Amadeu Sabino False Cognates and Deceptive Cognates: Issues to Build Special Dictionaries
084 Arleta Adamska-Sałaciak On bullying, mobbing (and harassment) in English and Polish: Foreign-language-based Lexical Innovation in a Bilingual Dictionary
085 Donna M. T. Cr. Farina Lexical Change in Times of Upheaval and War – And the Dictionary
086 Irina Levontina Lexicalized Prosody and the Polysemy of some Discourse Particles in ADR
087 Tinatin Margalitadze, George Meladze Importance of the Issue of Partial Equivalence for Bilingual Lexicography and Language Teaching
088 Innes Merabishvili Towards the Meaning of a Word
089 Maria Pober, Ingeborg Geyer, Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Barbara Piringer Von vielrednerischen Weibern und alles erforschenden Männern – Genderasymmetrien in der Datenbank der bairischen Mundarten in Österreich (DBÖ) im Vergleich mit Großwörterbüchern der Gegenwart
090 Irene Renau, Rogelio Nazar Automatic Extraction of Lexical Patterns from Corpora
091 Maria Shvedova, Dmitri Sitchinava Basic Russian Dictionary: a Corpora-Based Learner’s Dictionary of Russian
092 Alexandra Anna Spalek, Marco Del Tredici Automatically Identifying Selectional Restrictions of Predicates: A Computational Methodology for Practical Lexicography that Challenges Linguistic Theory
093 Geoffrey Williams, Araceli Alonso, Janet DeCesaris, Ioana Galleron, Chris Mulhall Paysage: Lexical Variation in the Lexis of Landscape in Romance Dictionaries
094 Maria Aldea Un Projet Accompli: le Lexicon de Buda (1825) en Édition Électronique
095 Marina Andrazashvili Von einem Orthographischen Wörterbuch georgischer Äquivalente deutscher Toponyme bis zum Kulturgeographischen Lexikon Deutschlands
096 Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld, Arash Saidi On Compiling a Norwegian Academic Vocabulary List
097 Václava Kettnerová, Petra Barančíková, Markéta Lopatková Lexicographic Description of Czech Complex Predicates: Between Lexicon and Grammar
098 Tiina Leemets, Maire Raadik An Interactive Solution: a Grammar Handbook Linked to a Prescriptive Dictionary
099 David Lindemann, Iñaki San Vicente Bilingual Dictionary Drafting: Connecting Basque Word Senses to Multilingual Equivalents
100 Christine Möhrs Online Bibliography of Electronic Lexicography. The Project OBELEXMeta
101 Michal Škrabal Straddling the Boundaries of Traditional and Corpus-Based Lexicography: A Latvian-Czech Dictionary
102 Monica von Martens, Louise Holmer The SWEGOT Lexical Resources Framework